In this study we generalize the formulation of symmetric duality introduced by Dantzig, Eisenberg, and Cottle to include the case where the constraints of ...
In this study we concern ourselves with the symmetric duality of Dantzig,. Cottle, and Eisenberg. 4J They presented these two symmetric primal and dual problems ...
In this study we generalize the formulation of symmetric duality introduced by. DANTZIG, EISENBERG, AND COTTLE to include the case where the constraints of the ...
In this study we generalize the formulation of symmetric duality introduced by Dantzig, Eisenberg, and Cottle to include the case where the constraints of ...
A pair of second order symmetric dual is formulated and corresponding duality results are established for nonlinear programming problems involving η-bonvex ...
TL;DR: In this article, two distinct pairs of secound order symmetric dual programs are considered and appropriate duality theorems are established under η1- ...
By a dual method we mean one that generates a sequence of essentially feasible solutions that converges in value to the optimal value of (D). Such a sequence ...
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The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new class of functions called semilocally invex and to obtain duality results for such functions.
SYMMETRIC DUAL NONLINEAR PROGRAMS. 811. Min F(x, y) = F(x\ y°) = G(x°, y ... Mangasarian, Duality in nonlinear programming,. Quart. Appl. Math. 20. (1962) ...
In this note, the weak duality theorem of symmetric duality in nonlinear programming and some related results are established under weaker (strongly Pseudo ...