Feb 24, 2010 · In this paper, we settle this conjecture completely by proving the following stronger statement; if the minimum degree sum of two nonadjacent ...
If the minimum degree sum of two nonadjacent vertices is at least 4r + 6s−1, then G contains a collection of r + s vertex-disjoint cycles such that s of them ...
In this paper, we settle this conjecture completely by proving the following stronger statement; if the minimum degree sum of two nonadjacent vertices is at ...
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Nov 20, 2019 · In this paper, we consider a general degree sum condition sufficient to imply the existence of k vertex-disjoint chorded cycles in a graph G.
In this paper, we consider a degree sum condition sufficient to imply the existence of \(k\) vertex-disjoint chorded cycles in a graph \(G\).
In this paper, we consider a degree sum condition sufficient to imply the existence of k vertex-disjoint chorded cycles in a graph G. Let σ4(G) be the ...
For all k ∈ Z+, if G is an n-vertex graph where n ≥ 4k and δ(G) ≥ 3k, then G contains k disjoint chorded cycles. The condition on the number of vertices in this ...
On a Sharp Degree Sum Condition for Disjoint Chorded Cycles in Graphs. グラフにおける互いに素chord付き閉路に対する鋭い次数和条件について. Publisher site Copy ...
Abstract. In this paper, we consider a general degree sum condition sufficient to imply the existence of k vertex-disjoint chorded cycles in a graph G.
Aug 8, 2024 · For a graph with fixed size, extremal spectral conditions are given to ensure that a graph contains a chorded cycle and a (2k − 3)-chorded (2k + ...