Abstract: Maximum rank distance codes are the equivalent in rank-metric of Reed-Solomon codes whose subcodes have been widely studied.
In this paper we characterize subspace subcodes of MRD codes and we show that it is possible to construct efficient polynomial-time encoding-decoding procedures ...
This paper characterize subspace subcodes of MRD codes and shows that it is possible to construct efficient polynomial-time encoding-decoding procedures for ...
Jan 29, 2023 · \par In this paper, we provide a generalization of Subspace Subcodes in Rank metric introduced by Gabidulin and Loidreau. We also characterize ...
Maximum rank distance codes are the equivalent in rank-metric of Reed-Solomon codes whose subcodes have been widely studied. In this paper we characterize ...
Rank-metric codes were studied by E. Gabidulin in ... \par In this paper, we provide a generalization of Subspace Subcodes in Rank metric introduced by Gabidulin ...
Properties of subspace subcodes of optimum codes in rank metric. Gabidulin, E. M.; ;; Loidreau, P. Abstract. Maximum rank distance codes denoted MRD-codes are ...
Dec 11, 2023 · We present the theory of linear rank-metric codes from the point of view of their fundamental parameters. These are: the minimum rank distance, ...
Rank-metric codes have several applications in communications and security, including public-key code-based cryptography. In 1978, Rivest, Shamir and Adleman ( ...
In this work, we investigate the covering property of sum-rank metric codes to enrich the theory of sum-rank metric codes. We intend to answer the question:.