DTN routing aims to realize message delivery from a node (source node) in the network to another specific node (destination node) without using dedicated ...
The average behavior of message delivery between the source node and the destination node is described and the average message delivery delay is derived in ...
Abstract—DTN routing aims to realize message delivery from a node (source node) in the network to another specific node. (destination node) without using ...
In this paper, as a mobile-to-fixed and fixed-to-fixed DTN routing, we focus on a position-based single-copy DTN routing. We build an analytical framework for ...
Natusko Kawabata, Yasuhiro Yamasaki, Hiroyuki Ohsaki: On the Effectiveness of Position-Based Routing in Delay/Disruption-Tolerant Networking.
Jan 1, 2024 · This study is an updated literature review in the context of DTN-based deep-space communication. It covers the recent studies that address the architecture.
This paper proposes the Energy-Mobility-Connectivity aware routing protocol (EMCR) for a hybrid network of VANET-WSN.
Improve routing in delay tolerant networks (DTN) using MaxProp protocol and custody transfer. Simulation examples in this paper.
Routing in delay-tolerant networking concerns itself with the ability to transport, or route, data from a source to a destination.
Missing: Position- | Show results with:Position-
Abstract—This paper discusses a machine learning-based ap- proach to routing for delay tolerant networks (DTNs) [1]. DTNs are networks which experience ...
Missing: Effectiveness | Show results with:Effectiveness