PDF | Weak probabilistic bisimulation on probabilistic automata can be decided by an algorithm that needs to check a polynomial number of linear.
Weak probabilistic bisimulation on probabilistic automata can be decided by an algorithm that needs to check a polynomial number of linear programming problems ...
Abstract: Weak probabilistic bisimulation on probabilistic automata can be decided by an algorithm that needs to check a polynomial number of linear ...
Bibliographic details on On the Efficiency of Deciding Probabilistic Automata Weak Bisimulation.
May 2, 2012 · Abstract:Deciding in an efficient way weak probabilistic bisimulation in the context of Probabilistic Automata is an open problem for about ...
Feb 19, 2016 · This paper discusses the specific complexity class of the weak probabilistic bisimulation problem, and it considers several practical algorithms ...
This paper discusses the specific complexity class of the weak probabilistic bisimulation problem, and it considers several practical algorithms and linear ...
This paper discusses the specific complexity class of the weak probabilistic bisimulation problem, and it considers several practical algorithms and linear ...
This thesis gives a first implementation of this algorithm written in Java. Based on that, it evaluates the efficiency and applicability of it as well as the ...
Abstract. Deciding in an efficient way weak probabilistic bisimulation in the context of probabilistic au- tomata is an open problem for about a decade.