In this paper we propose a suite of modelling strategems and numerical procedures that go a long way to alleviating this drawback. Of particular note are the ...
TL;DR: This paper proposes a suite of modelling strategems and numerical procedures that go a long way to alleviating the drawback of computation times in ...
By using functional transitions, repair policies are addressed and formally written. To illustrate the proposed approach, a parallel system example is studied.
On the benefits of using functional transitions and Kronecker algebra. A Benoit, P Fernandes, B Plateau, WJ Stewart. Performance Evaluation 58 (4), 367-390, ...
On the benefits of using functional transitions and Kronecker algebra ... Much attention has been paid recently to the use of Kronecker or tensor product ...
Fernandes, B. Plateau, and W. Stewart. On the Benefits of Using Functional Transitions in Kronecker. Modelling. Submitted to Performance Evaluation, 2002.
Sep 20, 2018 · Today, the Kronecker-based approach not only enables the compact storage of the underlying state transition matrix exactly, but as recently ...
We discuss how to describe the Markov chain underlying a generalized stochastic Petri net using Kro- necker operators on smaller matrices.
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This paper presents a new approach to obtain the reachable state space (RSS) of a structured model which uses functional transitions. We use multi-valued ...
On the benefits of using functional transitions and Kronecker algebra. A. Benoit, Paulo Fernandes, B. Plateau, W. Stewart. 2004, Performance evaluation (Print).