This paper explores how the dynamics of complex biological processes can be modelled and simulated as an organisation of multiple agents.
This paper explores how the dynamics of complex biological processes can be modelled and simulated as an organisation of multiple agents.
This paper explores how the dynamics of complex biological processes can be modelled and simulated as an organisation of multiple agents.
This paper explores how the dynamics of complex biological processes can be modelled and simulated as an organisation of multiple agents.
On the Use of Organisation Modelling Techniques to Address Biological Organisation. T. Bosse, C.M. Jonker, J. Treur · Artificial Intelligence · Social AI.
On the Use of Organisation Modelling Techniques to Address Biological Organisation by Tibor Bosse, Catholijn M. Jonker, Jan Treur published in.
The extensive use of bioelectric circuits to represent information and guide activity in the brain offers conceptual and experimental tools for unravelling how ...
This paper shows how an organisation modelling approach can be used to model the dynamics of biological organisation, in particular the circulatory system ...
The field of biofabrication continues to progress, offering higher levels of spatial control, reproducibility, and functionality.
This article will consider five different processes from human biology and will propose practical ways in which the characteristics of these models may have ...