Online Bipartite Matching in Offline Time. Abstract: This paper investigates the problem of maintaining maximum size matchings in incremental bipartite graphs.
Abstract—This paper investigates the problem of maintaining maximum size matchings in incremental bipartite graphs. In this problem a bipartite graph G ...
This paper investigates the problem of maintaining maximum size matchings in incremental bipartite graphs. In this problem a bipartite graph G between n ...
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This paper investigates the problem of maintaining maximum size matchings in incremental bipartite graphs. In this problem a bipartite graph G between n ...
By introducing proper amortization the authors can obtain an incremental algorithm that maintains the maximum size matching in total O(√nm) time, ...
This paper investigates the problem of maintaining maximum size matchings in incremental bipartite graphs. In this problem a bipartite graph G between n ...
Online Bipartite Matching is a generalization of a well-known Bipartite Matching problem. In a Bipartite. Matching, we a given a bipartite graph G = (L, R, ...
Oct 23, 2022 · We study the classic online bipartite matching problem with a twist: offline vertices, called resources, are reusable. In particular, when a ...
In the online bipartite matching problem, there is a bipartite graph G = (V,E) whose vertex set V is partitioned into two sides L, R, known as the left and ...
This paper investigates the problem of maintaining maximum size matchings in incremental bipartite graphs. In this problem a bipartite graph G between n clients ...