Abstract—Stochastic Flow Models (SFMs) are stochastic hybrid systems that abstract the dynamics of complex discrete event systems involving the control of ...
Stochastic flow models (SFMs) are stochastic hybrid systems that abstract the dynamics of complex discrete event systems involving the control of sharable ...
Stochastic Flow Models (SFMs) are stochastic hybrid systems that abstract the dynamics of many complex discrete event systems and provide ...
Stochastic Flow Models (SFMs) are stochastic hybrid systems that abstract the dynamics of many complex discrete event systems and provide the basis for ...
Perturbation Analysis and Optimization of Multiclass Multiobjective Stochastic Flow Models Proc. of 48th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control , pp. 914-919, Dec.
Perturbation Analysis and Optimization of Multiclass Multiobjective Stochastic Flow Models · List of references · Publications that cite this publication.
Bibliographic details on Perturbation Analysis and Optimization of Multiclass Multiobjective Stochastic Flow Models.
In this paper, we develop a SFM framework for multiple classes and class-dependent performance objectives, where competing classes employ threshold control ...
We present a stochastic hybrid system framework for Stochastic Flow Models (SFMs) with multiple classes and class-dependent performance objectives.
Perturbation analysis and optimization of multiclass multiobjective Stochastic Flow Models ; Introduction to Discrete Event Systems. 2008 , citations by CoLab: ...