We propose a serialization library that leverages the kernel scatter-gather communication primitives to reduce serialization data copy costs without using ...
3 days ago · Our key idea is to reduce serialization latency by leveraging existing Linux scatter- gather communication primitives, one-copy and zero-copy, ...
3 days ago · Poster: Reducing Data Movement Tax for Serialization in Microservices ; Siddharth Nayak ; Vishesh Rangwani ; Kartikay Dubey ; Rajorshi Mondal.
Poster: Reducing Data Movement Tax for Serialization in Microservices. 2024-12-09 | Conference paper. DOI: 10.1145/3680121.3699882. Contributors: Siddharth ...
Poster: Reducing Data Movement Tax for Serialization in Microservices. S Nayak, V Rangwani, K Dubey, R Mondal, T Gupta, R Shah. Proceedings of the 20th ...
Vishesh Rangwani's 1 research works with 0 citations, including: Poster: Reducing Data Movement Tax for Serialization in Microservices.
Apr 8, 2014 · Microservices are a style of software architecture that involves delivering systems as a set of very small, granular, independent collaborating services.
Missing: Poster: Serialization
Sep 20, 2017 · The approach I am taking is to built some Micro Services on current DB Structure. Using the same DB will allow the current application to run as it is.
serialization. ... method using a state-based approach to reduce network data. ... They represent data generated by five instances of two difference microservices.