We have recently described a new conformational search strategy for protein folding algorithms called the CGU (convex global underestimator) method.
Oct 22, 2024 · Here we use a simplified protein chain representation and a differentiable form of the Sun/Thomas/Dill energy function to test the CGU method.
Here we use a simplified protein chain representation and a differentiable form of the Sun/Thomas/Dill energy function to test the CGU method. Standard search ...
Protein Structure and Energy Landscape Dependence on Sequence Using a Continuous Energy Function. K.A. DILL,1 A.T. PHILLIPS,2 and J.B. ROSEN3. ABSTRACT. We ...
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Summary: This work uses a simplified protein chain representation and a differentiable form of the Sun/Thomas/Dill energy function to test the CGU (convex ...
Protein structure prediction and potential energy landscape analysis using continuous global minimization. Authors: Ken A. Dill, Andrew T. Phillips, J. Ben ...
[PDF] Protein structure prediction and potential energy landscape ...
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Protein Structure and Energy Landscape Dependence on Sequence Using a Continuous Energy Function · K. DillA. PhillipsJ. B. Rosen. Biology, Chemistry. J. Comput ...
Publication: Protein Structure and Energy Landscape Dependence ...
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Protein Structure and Energy Landscape Dependence on Sequence Using a Continuous Energy Function. Ken A. Dill Andrew T. Phillips J. Ben Rosen.
This review is a tutorial for scientists interested in the problem of protein structure prediction, particularly those interested in using coarse-grained ...
The protein energy landscape theory is used to obtain optimal energy functions for protein structure prediction via simulated annealing.