We study the problem of offering publish/subscribe functionality on top of structured overlay networks using data models and languages from IR.
In this paper we concentrate on the latter kind of function- ality (pub/sub) and show how to provide it by extending the distributed hash table Chord [10].
Sort ids in ascending order. 2. Constructs message (msg, L) and sends it to node responsible for head(L) - that is peer P' with id(P') ≤ head(L).
We study the problem of offering publish/subscribe functionality on top of structured overlay networks using data models and languages from IR.
We study the problem of offering publish/subscribe functionality on top of structured overlay networks using data models and languages from IR.
Publish/Subscribe Functionality in IR Environments using Structured Overlay Networks. Submitted to a conference. 6. C. Tryfonopoulos, M. Koubarakis, and Y ...
We study the problem of evaluating RDF queries over structured overlay networks.We consider the publish/subscribe scenario where nodes subscribewith long- ...
Jun 6, 2005 · This paper introduces a novel architecture for implementing content-based pub/sub communications on top of structured overlay networks.
A structured overlay network is an architecture where nodes work together to maintain routing information, allowing them to efficiently reach any node in ...
This book offers an unified treatment of the problems solved by publish/subscribe, how to design and implement the solutions.