RAxML-OMP scales particularly well on the AMD Opteron architecture and achieves even super-linear speedups for large datasets (with a length ≥ 5.000 base pairs) ...
RAxML-OMP scales particularly well on the AMD Opteron architecture and achieves even super-linear speedups for large datasets (with a length ≥ 5.000 base pairs) ...
Keywords · An Efficient Program for Phylogenetic Inference Using Simulated Annealing · RAxML-III: a fast program for maximum likelihood-based inference of large ...
Stamatakis, A., Ott, M. and Ludwig, T. (2005) RAxML-OMP: An Efficient Program for Phylogenetic Inference on SMPs. In: Malyshkin, V., Ed., Parallel Computing ...
In order to accelerate computations we implemented RAxML-OMP, an efficient OpenMP-parallelization for Symmetric Multi-Processing machines (SMPs) based on the ...
Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT, Institut für Technische Informatik (ITEC). Publikationstyp, Proceedingsbeitrag. Publikationsjahr, 2005. Sprache, Englisch.
RAxML-OMP, an efficient OpenMP-parallelization for Symmetric Multi-Processing machines (SMPs) based on the sequential program RAxML (Randomized Axelerated ...
RAxML (Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood) is a program for sequential and parallel Maximum. Likelihood [1] based inference of large phylogenetic trees.
RAxML-NG offers improved accuracy, flexibility, speed, scalability, and usability compared with RAxML/ExaML. On taxon-rich datasets, RAxML-NG typically finds ...
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RAxML (Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood) is a program for sequential and parallel Maximum Likelihood-based inference of large phylo- genetic trees. It ...