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In the theory of codes based on Hamming metric, three classes of codes are well known: cyclic codes, shortened cyclic codes and pseudo-cyclic codes.
A linear (n, k)-code over FqN is called q-cyclic if the q- cyclic shift of any code vector g is also a code vector. q-cyclic codes as a subclass of rank-metric ...
In the theory of codes based on Hamming metric, three classes of codes are well known: cyclic codes, shortened cyclic codes and pseudo-cyclic codes.
In the theory of codes based on Hamming metric, three classes of codes are well known: cyclic codes, shortened cyclic codes and pseudo-cyclic codes.
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What are the different types of cyclic codes?
What are quasi-cyclic codes?
What does cyclic property of cyclic codes indicate?
What is a cyclic code in cyber security?
Two skew cyclic codes can be equivalent for the Hamming metric only if they have the same length, and only the zero code is degenerate.
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Rank q-cyclic and pseudo-q-cyclic codes · E. Gabidulin. Mathematics. 2009 IEEE ... 2009. TLDR. It is proved that theclass of pseudo-q-cyclic codes coincides ...
A class of q-cyclic rank codes, which are similar to cyclic codes in the Hamming ... this code build a 6-shortened q-cyclic code that is also a pseudo-cyclic code ...
Jul 22, 2016 · Abstract. Skew cyclic codes play the same role as cyclic codes in the theory of error- correcting codes for the rank metric.
A related construction, the so-called q-cyclic or skew cyclic codes, were introduced by ... Rank q-cyclic and pseudo-q-cyclic codes. In IEEE International.
It is proved that the smallest length of a linear code that is rank equivalent to a given skew cyclic code can be attained by a pseudo-skew cyclic codes.