Reduction of quasidifferentials and minimal representations. Published: August 1994. Volume 66, pages 161–180, (1994); Cite this article. Download PDF.
Reduction of quasidifferentials and minimal representations. Authors: D. Pallaschke,; Ryszard Henryk Urbański. Abstract.
Following an example of J. Grzybowski, the authors construct a class of equivalent minimal pairs of compact convex sets which are not connected by translations.
Following an example of J. Grzybowski, we construct a class of equivalent minimal pairs of compact convex sets which are not connected by translations.
[7] D. Pallaschke, R. Urbanski: Reduction of Quasidifferentials and Minimal Representations,. Math. Programming, Series A 66 (1994) 161–180.
Reduction of quasidifferentials and minimal representations. D Pallaschke, R Urbański. Mathematical Programming 66, 161-180, 1994. 52, 1994 ; Minimal pairs of ...
Reduction of quasidifferentials and minimal representations · Author Picture D. Pallaschke,; Author Picture R. Urbański. Pages 161–180https://doi.org/10.1007 ...
Pairs of compact convex sets naturally arise in quasidifferential calculus as a sub- and superdifferentials of a quasidifferentiable function (see [1]).
In this paper we give a survey of some recent results for quasidifferentiable functions and minimal representations of quasidifferentials.
Dec 20, 2012 · Here the main results are two necessary minimality criteria, which are stated in Theorem 9 and Theorem 11. The quasidifferential calculus ...