In this paper, we investigate the rate-distortion performance of multiresolution encoding algorithms for successively refinable sources, including block ...
Abstract — In this paper, we investigate the rate- distortion performance of multi-resolution encoding algorithms for successively refinable sources, ...
In this paper, we investigate the rate-distortion performance of multiresolution encoding algorithms for successively refinable sources, including block ...
TL;DR: This paper investigates the rate-distortion performance of multiresolution encoding algorithms for successively refinable sources, including block codes ...
The redundancy of successive refinement codes and codes with side information · Distortion-rate bounds for fixed- and variable-rate multiresolution source codes.
Missing: tradeoff | Show results with:tradeoff
Redundancy-complexity tradeoff of multiresolution coding for successively refinable sources ... The redundancy of source coding with a fidelity criterion: 1.
It is well known that trellis lossy source codes have better performance/complexity tradeoff than block codes, as shown by simulations.
Jun 10, 2015 · We say that a source is strongly successively refinable if successive refinement coding can achieve the second order optimum rate (including the dispersion ...
Missing: Redundancy- multiresolution
This thesis explore dynamics in source coding and channel coding. We begin by introducing the idea of distortion side information, which does not di-.
Aug 26, 2016 · Abstract. We derive the optimal second-order coding region and moderate deviations constant for successive refinement source coding.