Strongest and most expensive are sequentially consistent (SC) accesses, whose primary purpose is to restore the simple interleaving semantics of se- quential ...
We propose a model, called RC11 (for Repaired C11), with a better semantics for SC accesses that restores the soundness of the compilation schemes to Power, ...
We propose a model, called RC11 (for Repaired C11), with a better semantics for SC accesses that restores the soundness of the compilation schemes to Power.
Abstract. The C/C++11 memory model defines the semantics of concur- rent memory accesses in C/C++, and in particular supports.
Dec 8, 2016 · The authors of the paper explain the problem, and propose an alternative model RC11 (for Repaired C11) of atomic guarantees that is mostly ...
We propose a model, called RC11 (for Repaired C11), with a better semantics for SC accesses that restores the soundness of the compilation schemes to Power, ...
This paper proposes a model, called RC11 (for Repaired C11), with a better semantics for SC accesses that restores the soundness of the compilation schemes ...
We presented RC11, a repaired model for C/C++11 concurrency: ▷ weaker semantics for SC-accesses. ▷ stronger semantics for SC-fences. ▷ disallow (program ...
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Feb 23, 2018 · (2017) Repairing sequential consistency in C/C++11. In: Proceedings of the 38th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and ...
Jun 20, 2020 · C++11 introduces a new memory model that lets the abstract machine running C++11 code have a notion about multiple threads.