The survey first investi- gates requirements reuse in general, and then goes in depth asking about a specific technique, software requirement patterns (SRP), ...
The survey first investigates requirements reuse in general, and then goes in depth asking about a specific technique, software requirement patterns (SRP), ...
Nov 23, 2016 · The survey first investigates requirements reuse in general, and then goes in depth asking about a specific technique, software requirement ...
Abstract. Context and motivation: Multiple proposals exist that propose the adoption of reuse practices during requirements engineering processes.
Dec 19, 2016 · Our goal is to contribute to the investigation of the state of the practice in the reuse of requirements, eliciting current practices from ...
Requirements reuse and requirement patterns: a state of the practice survey · Computer Science, Engineering. Empirical Software Engineering · 2016.
The survey first investigates requirements reuse in general, and then goes in depth asking about a specific technique, software requirement patterns SRP, which ...
Requirements Reuse and Patterns: A Survey. 3. PABRE Framework. (PAtterns Based Requirements Elicitation). PABRE Framework. (PAtterns Based Requirements ...
Context. Requirements engineering is a discipline with numerous challenges to overcome. One of these challenges is the implementation of requirements reuse ...
The results of this paper are interesting for practitioners since they highlight relevant observations from the survey participants' experiences when ...
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