These games merge handheld computers with Global Positioning System (GPS) units. For players, game space is real space, tracked by GPS and plotted onto a ...
Abstract: Human activities are constrained by interconnected and overlapping factors of: biological abilities, time, space, and social narratives.
This paper demonstrates how ARGHs can restructure a learning activity to better connect learners to place, increase and mediate their physical activity and ...
Dive into the research topics of 'Restructuring activity and place: Augmented reality games on handhelds'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Handheld ...
2008-06, Restructuring Activity and Place: Augmented Reality Games on Handhelds · Martin, John; Mathews, James; Jan, Mingfong; Holden, Christopher ; 2008-06 ...
Restructuring Activity and Place: Augmented Reality Games on Handhelds · Martin, John; Mathews, James; Jan, Mingfong; Holden, Christopher.
Supporting technology for augmented reality game-based learning · Restructuring activity and place: augmented reality games on handhelds · Procedural ...
Restructuring activity and place: augmented reality games on handhelds. by Mingfong Jan, Chris Holden, and Jim Mathews. Proceedings of the 8th …, 2008.
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Restructuring activity and place: augmented reality games on handhelds. by Mingfong Jan, Chris Holden, and Jim Mathews. Proceedings of the 8th …, 2008.
Research has suggested the potential for using augmented reality (AR) games— location-based games that use wireless handheld devices to provide virtual game ...