Current pervasive computing research tries to merge the material and digi- tal worlds by incorporating physical and computing entities into smart spaces.
Semantic Space is a pervasive computing infrastructure that exploits the use of Semantic Web technologies to support explicit representation, expressive ...
Semantic Space is a pervasive computing infrastructure that exploits semantic Web technologies to support explicit representation, expressive querying, ...
Semantic Space is a pervasive computing infrastructure that exploits semantic Web technologies to support explicit representation, expressive querying, ...
Semantic Space is a pervasive computing infrastructure that exploits the use of Semantic Web technologies to support explicit representation, ...
Current pervasive computing research tries to merge the material and digi- tal worlds by incorporating physical and computing entities into smart spaces.
Recent activity in pervasive computing research is attempting to merge the physical and digital worlds by incorporating physical and computing entities into ...
The semantic space, which is a pervasive computing infrastructure, that exploits semantic web technologies to support explicit representation, ...
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The semantic space, which is a pervasive computing infrastructure, that exploits semantic web technologies to support explicit representation, expressive ...
Semantic Space is a pervasive computing infrastructure that exploits the use of Seman- tic Web technologies to support explicit representation, expressive ...