The estimated simulation run lengths can then be used, before any data have been collected, to design the experiment, i.e., to determine what cases to consider, what statistical precision to aim for, what experimental budget is appropriate, or even whether to conduct the experiment at all.
To design a stochastic simulation experiment, it is helpful to have an estimate of the simulation run lengths required to achieve desired statistical ...
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To design a stochastic simulation experiment, it is helpful to have an estimate of the simulation run lengths required to achieve desired statistical ...
To design a stochastic simulation experiment, it is helpful to have an estimate of the simulation run lengths required to achieve desired statistical ...
To design a stochastic simulation experiment, it is helpful to have an estimate of the simulation run lengths required to achieve desired statistical ...
These formulas can be used to predict simulation run lengths required to obtain desired statistical precision before the simulation has been run, which can aid ...
Jul 20, 2016 · Simulation run-length is the time duration of the simulation. You determine it in the EventController -> Settings -> Start/End.
Home · Grey Literature · Proceedings · Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings · Simulation Run Length Planning for Stochastic Loss Models ...
This paper studies the estimation of the steady state mean of an output sequence from a discrete event simulation.