In this paper, we resolve this open problem when "fixed-length" is even, and give a characterization of the connectedness of signed n-permutations under 2l- ...
In this paper, we resolve this open problem when "fixed-length" is even, and give a characterization of the connectedness of signed ra-permutations under 2Z- ...
Oct 22, 2024 · Here we consider the problem of sorting signed permutations by fixed-length reversals. Indeed, limiting the transformations to reversals of ...
When comparing genomes in different species, a piece of chromosome in one species can be moved or copied to a different location in another species.
Aug 30, 2023 · A reversal takes a segment of such a π, reverses it and additionally flips the sign of its elements. Given a signed permutation π and π/, we ...
In this paper we describe a randomized algorithm for SBR. The algorithm tries to sort the permutation by repeatedly performing a random oriented reversal.
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Mar 25, 2015 · First, perform signed 2-reversals on the inversions until the permutation has no inversions. Then, perform signed 1-reversals on the negative ...
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The goal is, given a signed permutation, to find a shortest sequence of reversals that transforms it into the positive identity permutation, where a reversal is ...
The length of a shortest sequence of reversals sorting π is called the reversal distance of π, and is denoted by d(π). If the computation of d(π) is solved in ...
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The goal is to sort the disks into identity permutation using reversals. We consider the more general case of sorting n element permutations with a turnstile of ...