This thesis builds on more recent research in the field of process calculi, and presents a new model of computation known as the Channel Ambient calculus, which ...
This thesis builds on more recent research in the field of process calculi, and presents a new model of computation known as the Channel Ambient calculus, which ...
Apr 1, 2006 · This thesis builds on more recent research in the field of process calculi, and presents a new model of computation known as the Channel Ambient ...
The chapter is structured as follows. Section 8.2 presents a novel calculus for specifying mobile applications, known as the Channel Ambient (CA) calculus.
This chapter describes how the problem of specifying and implementing secure mobile applications can be addressed using a process calculus.
Ambient-PRISMA is based on a variant of Ambient Calculus called Channel Ambient Calculus [14] for modeling how architectural elements can enter and exit ...
Mobility is an important paradigm for such applications, where mobile code is supplied on demand and mobile components interact freely within a given network.
Missing: channel ambient
Specifying and Implementing Secure Mobile Applications ; BioAmbients: an abstraction for biological compartments. Regev A., Panina E.M., Silverman W., Cardelli L ...
A new notion of security boundary is introduced to model multilevel security policies in the scenario of mobile systems.
Mobile app security ... To make your mobile app more secure, you can use the Security tab to select an authentication model and configure the locking settings for ...