In this study, we propose an algorithm in order to automatically derive aggregated Markov processes providing upper and lower bounds on performance measures. We ...
Abstract—1. End to end QoS of communication systems is essential for users but their performance evaluation is a complex issue. The.
In this study, we propose an algorithm in order to automatically derive aggregated Markov processes providing upper and lower bounds on performance measures.
Abstract—1. End to end QoS of communication systems is essential for users but their performance evaluation is a complex issue. The.
Stochastic Bounds Applied to the End to End QoS in Communication Systems · Hind Castel-Taleb, L. Mokdad, N. Pekergin · Published in 15th International Symposium…
The stochastic models are used to obtain end-to-end Quality-of-Service (QoS) measures that the network must guarantee users in the future. The QoS measures ...
In this paper, we propose a server model, called stochastic service curve to facilitate stochastic service guarantee analysis. We show that with the concept of ...
In the general (multi-hop) setting, we first establish stochastic bounds on the distribution of the end-to-end delay for traffic shaper elements in series; then ...
In this paper, we propose a stochastic network calculus to analyze the end-to-end stochastic QoS performance of a system with stochastically bounded input ...
This paper addresses the open question of whether it is fea- sible to design algorithms with strong performance guarantees. (e.g. constant approximation ratio ...