From a fundamental standpoint, plasma etching is susceptible to intriguing instabilities that can cause the development of surface roughness, which, if observed microscopically, very often takes the form of surprisingly regular micro/nano-scale surface textures, such as cone [5], hemispheres [10] and “grass-like” ...
Mar 30, 2021
We present a brief review of elementary plasma-etching processes on surfaces and within integrated-circuit microstructures—and an overview of recent work in our ...
We present a brief review of elementary plasma-etching processes on surfaces and within integrated-circuit microstructures--and an overview of recent work in ...
We present a brief review of elementary plasma-etching processes on surfaces and within integrated-circuit microstructures -- and an overview of recent work in ...
May 14, 2014 · The authors discuss possible mechanisms responsible for the formation and evolution of the surface roughness and ripples during plasma etching, ...
Another expected effect of oxygen in the plasma is an increase in the etching rate due to chemical sputtering of the hydrocarbon network, which produces bond ...
Ions generally must impact the surface without suffering collisions with gas phase species in order to promote etch anisotropy. Thin boundary layers called ' ...
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Apr 1, 1983 · Plasma‐assisted etching involves the interaction of radicals generated by a glow discharge (e.g., fluorine atoms) with solid material (e.g., ...
We show that changes of the gas composition in CDE causes major changes in silicon surface chemistry and etching behaviour. For low-pressure HDPE we investigate ...
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When you switch from air to O2, you'll have to reoptimize your process since the surface oxidation rate will change. Over treatment causes surface damage that ...