Feb 14, 2000 · The Independence Number of Random Interval Graphs ... Included in the following conference series: Italian Conference on Algorithms and Complexity.
Let a(Gn,p) denote the independence number of the random graph G,,p. Let d = np. We show that if > 0 is fixed then with probability going to 1 as n ---> ∞.
Missing: Interval | Show results with:Interval
Dec 10, 2001 · This paper characterizes the fluctuations of the independence number in random interval graphs. This characterization is obtained through the ...
Recall that the independence number of a graph is the maximum cardinality of a subset of vertices which span no edge. Theorem Let Gn denote the random graph ...
Our algorithms are analysed for the special case of uniform random intersection graphs. Our analyses show that these algorithms succeed in finding close to ...
This paper characterizes the fluctuations of the independence number in random interval graphs. This characterization is obtained through the analysis of ...
This note is concerned with the independence number of random graphs. As usual G,,P denotes a random graph with vertex set V, = {1,2, . . . , n} in which.
Missing: Interval | Show results with:Interval
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A random interval graph of order n is generated by picking 2n numbers X 1 : : : X 2n independently from the uniform distribution on 0; 1] and considering ...
A random interval graph of order n is generated by pi king 2n numbers X1 :::X2n independently from the uniform distribution on [0;1℄ and onsidering the olle ...
Jul 22, 2015 · We then study clique numbers, chromatic numbers and independence numbers in the Random Interval Graphs, presenting (for example) a result on ...