In the Iterated Immediate Snapshot model ({\mathit{IIS}} ) the memory consists of a sequence of one-shot Immediate Snapshot (\mathit{IS} ) objects.
Abstract. In the Iterated Immediate Snapshot model (IIS) the mem- ory consists of a sequence of one-shot Immediate Snapshot (IS) objects.
Sep 10, 2013 · Abstract: In the Iterated Immediate Snapshot model (IIS) the memory consists of a sequence of one-shot Immediate Snapshot (IS) objects.
Abstract: In the Iterated Immediate Snapshot model (IIS) the memory consists of a sequence of one-shot Immediate. Snapshot (IS) objects.
The paper shows that an elegant way of capturing the power of a failure detector and other partially synchronous systems in the ${\mathit{IIS}}$ model is by ...
This paper extends the benefits of the IIS model to partially synchronous systems. Given a shared memory model enriched with a failure detector, what is an ...
The Iterated Immediate Snapshot model (IIS) is an asynchronous computation model where processes communicate through a sequence of one-shot Immediate ...
Jun 3, 2013 · In the Iterated Immediate Snapshot model (IIS ) the memory consists of a sequence of one-shot Immediate Snapshot (IS ) objects.
The Iterated Immediate Snapshot model (IIS) is an asynchronous computation model where processes communicate through a sequence of one-shot Immediate ...
This paper investigates a new shared-memory model called immediate atomic snapshot memory in which a write operation in addition to ~vriting, also returns ...