The core task of sponsored search is to retrieve relevant ads for the user's query. Ads can be retrieved either by exact match, when their bid term is ...
The core task of sponsored search is to retrieve relevant ads for the user's query. Ads can be retrieved either by exact match, when their bid term is identical ...
We investigate various strategies for compact, hierarchy-aware indexing of sponsored search ads through adaptation of standard IR indexing techniques. We also ...
The core task of sponsored search is to retrieve relevant ads for the user's query. Ads can be retrieved either by exact match, when their bid term is identical ...
The anatomy of an ad: structured indexing and retrieval for sponsored search. Michael Bendersky. Evgeniy Gabrilovich. Vanja Josifovski.
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The anatomy of an ad: structured indexing and retrieval for sponsored search ; Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2010, ...
Apr 26, 2010 · We investigate various strategies for compact, hierarchy-aware indexing of sponsored search ads through adaptation of standard IR indexing ...
This paper proposes novel index structures and query processing algorithms for sponsored search. We evaluate these structures using a real corpus of 180 million ...
Advertisers place standing bids, and each time a user enters a search query, the search engine holds an auction. Ranks and prices depend on advertiser bids as ...
We show how to adapt standard IR methods for ad retrieval, by developing structure-aware indexing techniques and by augmenting the ad selection process with ...