The parameterized Cluster Deletion problem takes a graph and an integer as input and asks whether it is possible to delete at most edges from in order to make a cluster graph.
In the Cluster Deletion problem the input is a graph $G$ and an integer $k$, and the goal is to decide whether there is a set of at most $k$ edges whose removal ...
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The min-edge clique partition problem asks to find a partition of the vertices of a graph into a set of cliques with the fewest edges between cliques.
The min-edge clique partition problem asks to find a partition of the vertices of a graph into a set of cliques with the fewest edges between cliques.
Oct 4, 2015 · The cluster deletion problem is polynomial-time solvable for weighted 2-split graphs if the weight of all the internal edges of the clique is 1 ...
Jun 24, 2016 · The edge sets whose deletion leaves a cluster graph can easily be described as a formula with one free variable (the edge set) in monadic ...
We also prove that the CLUSTER DELETION is an NP-complete problem for edge-weighted cographs. Some polynomial-time solvable cases are also identified, in ...
Abstract. The well-known Cluster Vertex Deletion problem (cluster-vd) asks for a given graph G and an integer k whether it is possible to delete at most k ...
As a corollary of the complexity on complete split graphs, it is shown that the weighted cluster deletion problem is NP-complete on cographs, in contrast to the ...
Abstract. In the Cluster Deletion problem the goal is to remove the minimum number of edges of a given graph, such that every connected component of the ...