A distributed service that manages updates to widely deployed counter-like replicas which combines optimism and pessimism in the processing of transactions ...
The service allows a transaction to be processed immediately (optimistically) at any individual replica as long as the transaction satisfies a cost bound. All ...
This article surveys optimistic replication algorithms. They allow replica contents to diverge in the short term to support concurrent work practices and ...
Several replica control techniques have been proposed to deal with the processing of transactions. Some of these techniques include certain consistency checks ...
People also ask
What is the combination of optimistic and pessimistic?
What is a mixture of optimism and pessimism?
The copar service: Combining optimism and pessimism in accessing replicas. Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2004: 558-563. [+] ...
... The COPAR service: Combining Optimism and Pessimism in Accessing Replicas, Proceedings of the Third IASTED International Conference on Communications ...
Our system is called COPAR (Combining Optimism and Pessimism in Accessing Replicas). It runs on a collection of computing nodes connected by a ...
COPAR (Combining Optimism and Pessimism in Accessing Replicas) is a distributed transaction system that manages updates for widely-scattered nodes ...
A JAVA SYSTEM THAT COMBINES OPTIMISM AND PESSIMISM IN UPDATING REPLICAS · C ... The copar service: Combining optimism and pessimism in accessing replicas.
The COPAR Service, also known as Combining Optimism and Pessimism in. Accessing Replicas, previously ran on a collection of eight computing nodes.