Oct 29, 1993 · In this paper, we give two different results. We propose new methods to solve classical optimization problems in linear programming.
The Maximum Entropy Method on the Mean is described that provides solution to the problem and leads to computational criteria to decide the existence of ...
We propose new methods to solve classical optimization problems in linear programming. We also obtain precise quantitative results for the superresolution.
The maximum entropy method on the mean: applications to linear programming and superresolution. Authors: F. Gamboa. F. Gamboa. View Profile. , E. Gassiat. E ...
The maximum entropy method on the mean: Applications to linear programming and superresolution. Profile image of Elisabeth Gassiat Elisabeth Gassiat. 1994 ...
In this paper, the authors give two different results. They propose new methods to solve classical optimization problems in linear programming.
10. F. Gamboa, E. Gassiat. The maximum entropy method on the mean: Applications to linear programming and superresolution. Mathematical Programming, Series A, ...
The construction of R c , δ ( ϵ ) and the results are intimately connected with the maximum entropy method on the mean (MEM) developed by Gamboa and Gassiat.
Gassiat, The maximum entropy method on the mean: Applications to linear programming and superresolution, Mathematical. Programming, Series A 66, 103-122, (1994) ...
Maximum entropy signal restoration techniques are an attempt to mimic nature by maximixing the entropy of the restored information subject to constraints ...
Missing: mean: superresolution.