This pearl gives a discount proof of the folklore theorem that every strongly $\beta$-normalizing $\lambda$-term is typable with an intersection type.
This pearl gives a discount proof of the folklore theorem that every strongly $\beta$-normalizing $\lambda$-term is typable with an intersection type.
This pearl gives a discount proof of the folklore theorem that every strongly -normalizing -term is typable with an intersection type. (We consider typings that ...
This pearl gives a discount proof of the folklore theorem that every strongly β-normalizing λ-term is typable with an intersection type.
This pearl gives a discount proof of the folklore theorem that every strongly β-normalizing λ-term is typable with an intersection type.
Abstract: This pearl gives a discount proof of the folklore theorem that every strongly β -normalizing λ -term is typable with an intersection type.
Abstract. This pearl gives a discount proof of the folklore theorem that every strongly β-normalizing λ-term is typable with an intersection type.
This pearl gives a discount proof of the folklore theorem that every strongly β-normalizing λ-term is typable with an intersection type, and proves that the ...
Theoretical pearls: A bargain for intersection types: a simple strong normalization proof. Journal of Functional Programming, 15 (2005), pp. 669-677. Google ...
THEORETICAL PEARLS: A bargain for intersection types: a simple strong normalization proof · Author Picture Peter Møller Neergaard. Michtom School of Computer ...