Directed model checking is a well-established technique that is tailored to fast detection of system states that violate a given safety property.
In this paper, we propose a general enhancement to directed model checking based on the evaluation of state transitions. We present a schema, parametrized by an ...
In this thesis, we have demonstrated that transition-based directed model checking improves classi- cal directed model checking for various distance ...
This paper presents a schema, parametrized by an abstract distance function, to evaluate transitions and proposes a new method for the state space traversal ...
In this paper, we propose a general enhancement to directed model checking based on the evaluation of state transitions. We present a schema, parametrized by an ...
What is Model Checking? ▫ An approach for verifying the temporal behavior of a system. ▫ Primarily fully-automated (“push-button”) techniques.
In this paper, we address this challenge by proposing a formal and fully automatic model checking technique for two temporal logics of trust.
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In computer science, model checking or property checking is a method for checking whether a finite-state model of a system meets a given specification
As indicated by its name, the concept of useless transitions extends directed model checking by additionally evaluating transitions, not just states. This ...
[PDF] Theory-Aided Model Checking of Concurrent Transition Systems › pubs › KBH15
Our approach is based on the casting of the model checking problem into a theory of transition systems within CVC4, a DPLL(T) based SMT solver. Our ...