In this paper we outline a comprehensive theory of unification and anti-unification for patterns in the Cal- culus of Constructions. In this calculus, greatest ...
Abstract: Algorithms for unification and anti-unification in the calculus of constructions, where occurrences of free variables (the variables subject to ...
The unification algorithm is used for logic program execution and type and term reconstruction in the current implementation of Elf and has shown itself to ...
In this paper we outline a comprehensive theory of unification and anti-unification for patterns in the Cal- culus of Constructions. In this calculus, greatest ...
Anti-unification is the process of constructing a generalization common to two given symbolic expressions. As in unification, several frameworks are ...
2024/02/08 · ▷ Calculus of Constructions, pattern fragment. Unification and anti-unification in the calculus of construction By. F. Pfenning, 1991, LICS.
2023/06/09 · In unification in simply typed λ-calculus, types are always ground, so the constraint relates ground terms an we only have to check that they ...
2024/06/17 · We consider the case of nested generalization variables and show that the AU problem is nullary (using capture-avoiding substitutions), even ...
In this paper a new kind of anti-unification problems is introduced, where the substitutions anti- unifying two terms are constrained to be in a sub-language of ...
Anti-unification (AU) is a fundamental operation for generalization computation used for inductive inference. It is the dual operation to unification, an.