Rather than transferring the style of an image as a whole, our goal is to translate the geometry of an object while preserving its appearance. Our model is ...
Our model is trained without the need for paired images. It performs all steps of the shape transfer within a single model and without addi- tional post- ...
Rather than transferring the style of an image as a whole, our goal is to translate the geometry of an object while preserving its appearance. Our model is ...
This work addresses the problem of unpaired geometric image-to-image translation by performing all steps of the shape transfer within a single model and ...
In this paper, the evolution of the translation surfaces and their generating curves in E3 are investigated. Integrability conditions of the Gauss-Weingarten ..
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Oct 23, 2020 · UNPAIRED IMAGE-TO-IMAGE SHAPE TRANSLATION ACROSS FASHION DATA. Authors, Kaili Wang, Liqian Ma, KU Leuven, Belgium; José Oramas, University of ...
Dec 5, 2018 · Our model is trained in an unpaired fashion, i.e. without the need of paired images during training. It performs all steps of the shape transfer ...
Image-to-image translation (I2I) refers to the process of generating a novel image, which is similar to the original input image yet different in some aspects.
The outcome of such learning is a proven one-to-one mapping function. Our extensive experiments on a variety of datasets, including cross-modal medical image ...
Image-to-Image Translation is a task in computer vision and machine learning where the goal is to learn a mapping between an input image and an output image.