We propose a novel calibration method that exploits line orientation information and decouples the problem into two simpler stages.
We use the invariance property of points at infinity to simplify the camera calibration equations. We consider three cases assuming a known structure defined by ...
The method requires a minimum of three views of a single planar grid. Experiments with synthetic and real data suggest that the method is competitive with other ...
The majority of camera calibration methods, including the Gold Standard algorithm, use point-based information and simultaneously estimate all calibration ...
Aug 17, 2004 · In Section II, we consider the use of points at infinity in the inverse image formation problem and define an invariant for the equations ...
Using points at infinity for parameter decoupling in camera calibration - University of Surrey - Journal article.
In this paper, a new, geometry-based camera calibration technique is proposed, which resolves two main issues associated with the widely used Zhang's method ...
We present a method for camera calibration and metric reconstruction of the three-dimensional structure of scenes with several, possibly small and nearly planar ...
We propose a novel calibration method that exploits line orientation information and decouples the problem into two simpler stages.
When the calibration data contain noise and distortion, coupling errors exist between the camera's extrinsic and intrinsic parameters.