In this article, we study the problem of valuing the timer path-dependent options where the volatility is governed by a fast-mean reverting process.
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In this article, we study the problem of valuing the timer path-dependent options where the volatility is governed by a fast-mean reverting process.
A path-dependent option has a payout that depends on the price history of the underlying asset over all or part of the life of the option.
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Oct 25, 2023 · In other words, the payoff of the timer option depends only on a random date determined by the time needed to realize a prescribed variance ...
Time-dependent barrier options are hybrids of regular barrier options and ordinary options. Because the barrier period covers a segment of time either at the ...
These properties suggest a new, efficient and integrated approach to pricing and hedging a variety of standard and non-standard American options. From an ...
In this paper, the pricing of a variety of discretely sampled path-dependent options is examined in an extended Black-Scholes-Merton framework that ...
The discrete-time GARCH parameters can be estimated easily just by observing the history of asset prices. Unlike most option pricing models that are based on ...