The purpose of the Variability Exchange Language is to support the information exchange among variant management tools on the one hand and systems development.
PDF | The purpose of the Variability Exchange Language is to support the information exchange among variant management tools on the one hand and systems.
Variability Exchange Language - A Generic Exchange Format for Variability Data · M. Schulze, Robert Hellebrand · Published in Software Engineering 2015 · Computer ...
In this project, we present a generic API (VariabilityAPI) that allows variant management tools to communicate with artifacts through a standardized interface.
The goal of the OASIS Variability Exchange Language (VEL) TC is to enable the exchange of variability information among tools for variant management tools.
The purpose of the Variability Exchange Language is to support the information exchange among variant management tools on the one hand and systems ...
... paper10⫷Vol-1337/paper11⫸Vol-1337/paper12. Robert Hellebrand Michael Schulze. Variability Exchange Language - A Generic Exchange Format for Variability Data.
Dec 17, 2015 · The purpose of the Variability Exchange Language is to support the information ex- change among variants management tools on the one hand ...
Fits our use cases. Make it easy to implement. Add more complexity in a later step. No assumptions on how variability is implemented. SWORDS, 18/09/2014.
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