We consider finite sets of oriented spheres in Rk−1 and, by interpreting such spheres as points in Rk, study the Vo- ronoi diagrams they induce for several ...
Abstract: We consider finite sets of oriented spheres in R k-1 and, by interpreting such spheres as points in R k , study the Voronoi diagrams they induce ...
We give bounds on the combinatorial complexity of these diagrams in R^2 and R^3 and derive properties useful for constructing them. Our results are motivated by ...
Abstract: We consider finite sets of oriented spheres in Rk-1 and, by interpreting such spheres as points in Rk, study the Voronoi diagrams they induce for ...
People also ask
What can Voronoi diagrams be used for?
What is a Voronoi sphere?
How do you construct a Voronoi diagram with 3 points?
What is the formula for the Voronoi diagram?
Voronoi Diagrams for Oriented Spheres. F. Aurenhammer. J. Wallner. University of Technology. Graz, Austria [email protected] [email protected]. M. Peternell.
In this paper, we propose a novel robust algorithm to construct Voronoi diagrams of spherical balls in , which are henceforth denoted by VD-B3.
Jul 9, 2007 · We consider finite sets of oriented spheres in R^k-1 and, by interpreting such spheres as points in R^k, study the Voronoi diagrams they ...
Voronoi diagrams for oriented spheres ; English · Proc. 4th International Conference on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering (ISVD'07) · Pontypridd, England.
We use Lie sphere geometry to describe two large categories of generalized Voronoi diagrams that can be encoded in terms of the Lie quadric, the Lie inner ...