In this paper, we develop a new SNP caller named abSNP, which offers three innovations. (a) abSNP calls SNPs from RNA-Seq data. Since RNA-Seq data is primarily ...
In this paper, we develop a new SNP caller named abSNP, which offers three innovations. (a) abSNP calls SNPs from RNA-Seq data. Since RNA-Seq data is primarily ...
A new SNP caller named abSNP is developed, which is able to achieve near-perfect sensitivity on high-coverage SNPs, even when multiply mapped, ...
Dive into the research topics of 'AbSNP: RNA-Seq SNP calling in repetitive regions via abundance estimation'. Together they form a unique fingerprint.
abSNP is an RNA-Seq SNP calling software. It takes raw reads or read alignment as input, and output SNP candidates. Unlike existing SNP callers, it explores ...
Aug 23, 2018 · Bibliographic details on abSNP: RNA-Seq SNP Calling in Repetitive Regions via Abundance Estimation.
In this paper, we develop a new SNP caller named abSNP, which offers three innovations. (a) abSNP calls SNPs from RNA-Seq data. Since RNA-Seq data is primarily ...
abSNP: RNA-seq SNP calling in repetitive regions via abundance estimation. S Mao, S Mohajer, K Ramachandran, D Tse, S Kannan. 17th International Workshop on ...
SNP calling from RNA-seq data without a reference genome: identification, quantification, differential analysis and impact on the protein sequence
Missing: abSNP: Repetitive via
abSNP: RNA-seq SNP calling in repetitive regions via abundance estimation. S Mao, S Mohajer, K Ramachandran, D Tse, S Kannan. 17th International Workshop on ...
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