This research focuses on movies as a new communication tool, and proposes a self expression movie generating system "atMOS". The purpose of this research is ...
This research focuses on movies as a new communication tool, and proposes a self expression movie generating system "atMOS", based on the sub-concept of ...
This research focuses on movies as a new communication tool, and proposes a self expression movie generating system "atMOS". The purpose of this research is ...
In “atMOS”, based on the sub-concept of “self packaging movie”, users can make an original promotion movie of themselves which can be viewed on 3G cellular ...
Dive into the research topics of 'AtMOS: Self expression movie generating system for 3G mobile communication'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Sort by ...
This research focuses on movies as a new communicationtool, and proposes a self expression movie generating system “atMOS”. The purpose of this research is ...
This research focuses on movies as a new communication tool, and proposes a self expression movie generating system "atMOS". The purpose of this research is ...
atMOS: self expression movie generating system for 3G mobile communication. Resource URI: https://dblp.l3s.de/d2r/resource/publications/conf/mum ...
This research focuses on movies as a new communication tool, and proposes a self expression movie generating system "atMOS". The purpose of this research is ...
atMOS: self expression movie generating system for 3G mobile communication. MUM 2004: 199-206. [+][–]. Coauthor network. maximize. Note that this feature is a ...