zaproponowane przez: stormande-hav
Journey Through the Polish Mountains
"Górale, Górale, góralska muzyka. Cały świat obyjdzies nima takiej nika."
(Górals, Górals, góral music. I have been around the whole world, and there is nothing like it anywhere.)
A playlist showcasing the traditional music of the Polish Highlanders.
Image credit: [x]
photoshot… in polish highlander clothes in canada… worn on special occasions and dance performances. #goralki #goralka #gorale #Poland
this is the way polish people do it:) ahahaa
A Polish Goral plays a Trembita/Trombita a typical labrophone folk instrument of the Carpathian mountains. The people of the Carpathians are generally a sheep herding people and traditionally used the horn as a signaling device to announce deaths, funerals, weddings, and to inform fellow-shepherds of each flock’s whereabouts
no, hej! Goralu!
-taken and edited by mela maria.
picture source [x]
I just got the audio CD back from my senior lecture/composition/ethnomusicology recital. Remember me talking about that?
I don’t have the permission to upload the performances from everyone yet, but I’ve got a couple, so I couldn’t resist uploading some of them! I didn’t compose this one; it’s a traditional tune, but I’m singing the top line. :) In case you were wondering, this type of singing, biały śpiew, is really hard to do—it took me months to get it to sound close (although now I can’t stop singing this way).
This is an example of a pasterska, a pastoral singing genre from the mountains of southern Poland.
Wysokieście turnie i zielone regle. Co se tu zaśpiewać, bo sie mi ozlegnie.
High peaks and green mountain forests. What should I sing here, because my voice would carry well.
Polish Easter card depicting Gorals, native mountaineers of the Polish and Slovak Carpathians