A Holistic Approach
We guide and empower in times of life-changing legal and financial trouble while supporting your growth and wellness.
Legal Articles

The Personal Injury Trial
This article takes a deep dive into the anatomy of the personal injury trial. However, before going into the details and mechanics of what happens at a personal injury trial, we begin with a realistic look at the risks and costs of going to trial and the reasons why both plaintiff’s attorneys and defense litigators recommend settlement […]

Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment in the workplace is a specific kind of employment discrimination. It occurs when someone at your workplace, such as a supervisor or coworker, says or does something to make an employee feel uncomfortable or intimidated. This article includes a brief history and summary of sexual harassment in the workplace and the legal rights […]

Criminal Justice Systems
Each state’s criminal justice system consists of legislative bodies that enact criminal laws and policing agencies that enforce them. The same is true for the federal criminal justice system. Federal and State Criminal Justice System Similarities Each state and the federal government have robust law enforcement agencies that include highly trained police officers and law […]

Jury Duty: Everything You Need to Know
Jury duty is a civic duty that all US citizens are expected to perform. When you are summoned by the court to serve on a jury, it will decide the outcome of a trial. Because of the disruption and uncertainty, many people dread being called for jury duty. When you get the summon, you must […]

How Lemon Law Works
This article covers consumer protection laws relating to defects in automobiles, recreational vehicles, and motorhomes. What Is Lemon Law? FAQ Lemon laws are state and federal laws that protect consumers should they purchase a defective vehicle. Are All Vehicles Protected Under Lemon Laws? No. Some states limit lemon law protection to new cars, vans, trucks, […]

Elder Abuse by Home Care Aides
Your parents are in their 80s or 90s and cannot take care of themselves anymore. They need a caregiver, but you cannot do it yourself. It would help if you got a caregiver, but aside from figuring out how to pay for this, you also worry about the potential risks of abuse. Elder abuse by […]

Being A Federal Target in Criminal Cases Q&A
This article covers questions you may have on the pre-indictment phase in Federal Court. It covers the period before a Grand Jury is empaneled to hear the prosecutor’s evidence against you based on their criminal investigation so far. At this point, charges have not been filed, but prosecutors and agents will likely still investigate you. […]

Last Will and Testament: Guide to Types, Validity, and Benefits
What is a Last Will and Testament? A “will,” also sometimes referred to as one’s “last will and testament,” is a legal document that disposes of your “estate” upon your death. Your “estate” is all your money, personal and real property. If you have a simple estate plan (such as the desire to leave your […]

Illegal and Abusive Debt Collection Practices: Know Your Rights
Illegal and Abusive Collection Practices The Following Are Considered Abusive And Illegal Collection Practices: Collectors cannot call you at unreasonable hours: The law presumes that 8:00 am -9:00 pm is reasonable. Any time outside this range is considered excessive and unlawful in most states. Collectors cannot call you at work so long as you first […]

Zoning & Land Disputes: Protecting Your Property Rights
When they first purchase their home, most property owners pay little to no attention to local zoning and land use laws until they face a legal dispute with a neighbor or city official. The legal rights and obligations concerning a person’s property ownership and use can become an expensive legal battle, especially if their property […]

How Can A Mother Win Sole Child Custody? FAQ
Key Issues In custody disputes, how do courts determine if one parent should be awarded sole custody of the child? In custody disputes, how do courts decide what is in the child’s best interests? What is the difference between sole and shared custody? What is the difference between legal and physical custody? Are mothers favored […]

Eviction Process: Know Your Rights and Defenses
Eviction is the legal process by which a landlord may force the removal of a tenant from the rental property based on the claim that the tenant breached the lease, usually due to the tenant failing to pay the rent. The tenant has the right to defend against eviction by proving the landlord breached the […]

How to Obtain Permanent US Residency?
Who May Become A Permanent US Resident? A person may get permanent residency through political asylum, entering as a refugee, a family relationship with a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, work skills that are determined to be in short supply in the U.S., or a special immigrant visa lottery for persons from countries where few […]

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: Eligibility, Benefits, and Process
Depending on a debtor’s financial circumstances and intentions, filing under Chapter 13 can make great sense, especially for debtors with substantial income and net worth. This is not true, however, for most low-income wage earners requiring immediate relief. For most of these wage earners, their only realistic option is to file for liquidation under Chapter […]

End of Life Planning: Living Will, Advance Health Care Directives
Advance Health Care Directive (Living Will) I hear stories about people in a coma and on life support equipment for months and even years. Can I do anything to make sure that doesn’t happen to me? The answer is yes. It is called end-of-life planning. Unfortunately, some people would rather not engage in such planning, […]

Dividing Child Custody
Judicial determination of child custody laws can be interpreted in various ways and take different forms. Since divorce laws are legislated under the state’s sovereignty, each state has its own procedural and substantive laws. This article explains the different types of child custody laws and how the courts decide custody issues. Dividing Custodial Rights Between […]

Challenging DUI Chemical Tests
Once the officer determines there is sufficient probable cause to make the arrest, the officer will transport the arrestee to the police station, where they will be asked to choose one of three chemical tests. Most jurisdictions offer the driver the choice of a blood, breath, or urine test. Other jurisdictions only offer blood and […]

Choosing Your Divorce Process
Fault Or No-Fault Divorce In almost all states, spouses can file a no-fault or fault-based divorce. In addition, both types of divorce can be contested or uncontested. What does this mean? Mostly, it means that before you file for divorce, you should carefully consider whether you want to take an aggressive and uncooperative approach to […]

Defendants Rights In Criminal Proceedings
The fundamental rights of the accused emanate from the fourth (search and seizure, and the rights upon arrest), fifth (due process, self-incrimination, grand jury), and Sixth Amendment (rights of those charged in a criminal proceeding) of the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights. This article addresses the rights of the accused in criminal proceedings. According to […]

Divorce Mediation
Getting married is easy. Getting divorced is hard. Thankfully, divorce mediation has made the process of divorce much less stressful and costly than litigating your divorce in court. According to the Civil Mediation Council, 75-80% of cases settle on the day of the mediation itself, and another 10-15% settle shortly after. Divorce Mediation has grown in popularity […]

How Are Personal Injury Settlements Paid Out?
This article covers how personal injury settlements are paid out, including the types of payments, legal documentation, distribution of funds, tax implications, and the role of personal injury attorneys. What are Personal Injury Settlements? Personal injury settlements are agreements reached between an injured party and the party responsible for the injury, usually through their insurance […]

How to Change, Revoke and Contest a Will: Essential Tips
When you draw up a will as part of your estate plan, there may come a time when you quite naturally want to change it. Other times, a person may wish to revoke his will, or it may be contested. How Do I Change My Will? There Are Two Ways To Change A Will You […]

Key Phases of Criminal Trial: From Selection to Verdict
This article covers the main stages of a criminal jury trial. You will learn how the different parts of the trial system function within the overall objective of obtaining a fair and just verdict. Below, we summarize the major stages of a criminal jury trial, from jury selection to jury verdict and the defendant’s right […]

Locked Out Of Storage Unit
What To Do If You’re Locked Out of a Storage Unit? Being locked out of a storage unit without warning or legal grounds is stressful and costly. While storage facilities have rights, they must follow specific legal procedures to deny access. If you find yourself locked out from your storage unit, here’s what you can […]

Age Discrimination: Legal Issues Surrounding Ageism in America
Have you ever formed an opinion of someone based solely on their age? We do this a lot unconsciously. Compared to race, sex, and gender discrimination, ageism is more widespread yet goes unchallenged Ageism is a stereotype against someone’s age, such as thinking that they are no longer fit for employment just because they have […]

Bail And Bail Agents
According to the American Bar Association, bail is the amount of money a criminal defendant must post with the court to be released from jail until their trial date or earlier if the court orders. Bail is not a fine, nor under the constitution can it be used as punishment for the alleged crime. Purpose […]

Bill of Rights: Your Rights as a IRS Taxpayer
According to the IRS, taxpayers have fundamental rights when dealing with the IRS. This article focuses on these rights and their obligations to uphold them. The Taxpayer’s Fundamental Rights The Right to Retain Representation Taxpayers have the right to retain an authorized representative of their choice to represent them in their dealings with the IRS. […]

Birth Injuries and Medical Malpractice: A Guide for Expectant Parents
Few events are as special and emotional for parents as the delivery of their new baby. Especially when the baby is placed into the mother’s arms for the first time. So much preparation, care, and hope have gone into the arrival of their newborn. Birth Injuries and Defects While most children are born healthy, some […]

COBRA Health Insurance: Eligibility and Benefits
COBRA – Continuation of Medical Coverage After Employment Has Ended COBRA is a comprehensive federal law called the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (“COBRA”). The purpose of COBRA COBRA allows employees covered by health insurance plans to continue to get health benefits for a limited time after losing their jobs. Distinction between COBRA and ERISA […]

14 Things To Do After A Car Accident
What Should I Do After Having a Car Accident? The most important things are to get information from the other driver(s), identify the other vehicle(s), notify the police, and take photographs. Get the names, addresses, telephone numbers, driver’s license numbers, and insurance information from all the drivers involved in the accident. Write down the license […]

A Loved One In Prison
This article covers what you need to know if a loved one is arrested and sentenced to prison. You will learn how to locate where a prisoner is being kept. It will also help you understand and navigate the prison process as well as inform you on: How to locate and communicate with the prisoner […]

Can I File for Child Support After Divorce is Final?
Divorce Decree and Child Support Obligations Upon the conclusion of your divorce proceedings, the divorce decree will clearly state the responsibilities of the parent paying child support, often referred to as the paying parent. This decree not only resolves issues around the amount of child and spousal support to be paid but also sets forth […]

Child Custody Mediation: Key Tips on What to Say & Avoid
When going through child custody mediation, it is crucial to watch what you say. This guide will help you do that and help you understand the types of comments and topics to avoid so you can keep the mediation process positive and productive. A child custody dispute is filled with stress and anxiety. This is […]

Co-Parenting Plan After Divorce
The emotional impact of a divorce affects not only the parents but the child as well. Preparing how best to work cooperatively as co-parents provide both parents with a common goal that is based on the mutual love they have for their child. Not only will the child benefit from having strong and compassionate parents, […]

Collaborative Divorce vs Mediation
This article explains and compares the procedures, benefits, and drawbacks of resolving your divorce through a collaborative divorce method or through the more conventional method of divorce mediation. Either way, you will learn the advantages of both methods over having to litigate your case in divorce court. This article also covers: An unbiased overview of […]

How to Ask ChatGPT About the Laws of Family Court
Have you ever visited your local family law court? I did, and it wasn’t a pleasant experience. After waiting in line, I finally got to the building’s front entrance. I walked through the metal detector and peered into a crowded hallway of mostly panic-stricken people. Next to those poor souls were their lawyers. I say […]

Legal Tips for Renting a New Apartment
Legal Tips When Renting A New Apartment Congratulations! You’ve got the apartment. The hunt is over. Now for the legal part. Apartment leases can be for a term of months or can be month-to-month. Leases can vary in both depth and complexity. Once you sign the lease, you should purchase renters insurance, which will cover the value […]

Parental Alienation: Understanding Its Impact on Child Custody
Most divorces are painful, but it hurts even more when your children vilify you to make your ex happy despite all your parenting efforts. You cannot pinpoint what you have done to deserve such hatred. But the animosity feels familiar – you have seen it in your former spouse. This is what parental alienation looks […]

Prenuptial Agreements: Protection, Modification and Legal Considerations
A prenuptial agreement, sometimes called a prenuptial contract or a premarital agreement, is when a couple about to be married enters into a binding contract that legally defines their marital rights and obligations before they marry. All States Now Permit Prenuptial Agreements As of 2022, all 50 states recognize the legal validity of prenuptial agreements. […]

Spousal Restraining Orders: How to Obtain?
Spousal Stay-Away Orders These Orders Are Commonly Issued From Family Law Courts The courts take these types of restraining orders very seriously. They are issued by the court to prohibit one of the spouses from doing or not doing something perceived as potentially harmful to the other spouse or children. Stay-Away Orders Backed By Courts […]

The Role of Divorce Lawyers
Before you hire a divorce lawyer, you should know that getting a divorce is expensive, destabilizing, and usually heart-wrenching. That is why having the best possible divorce lawyer representing you is so important. This article will help you understand the role of divorce lawyers and the divorce process, the types of work they perform, the […]

What Questions Should You Ask a Divorce Lawyer?
Divorce is a profoundly life-changing event that comes with its own set of emotional, financial, and legal challenges. Choosing the right divorce lawyer, also known as a family lawyer, can make all the difference in your experience of the divorce process and your desired outcome. When you first visit a divorce lawyer, the initial consultation […]

Battles Over Inheritance: Joint Tenancy, Spousal Rights and Minors
Conflicts Over The Right To Inherit When you make a will, you affect your family’s future, which is usually a sensitive subject. So it’s advisable to begin by finding out what kinds of issues may arise when making decisions about who and under what terms your inheritors will receive a share of the inheritance. Also, […]

Elder Legal Incapacity
This article covers the effects of dementia in older adults, its potential legal and financial implications, and what estate planning steps you need to take now to avoid mistakes later. Legal Capacity and Legal Incapacity Legal Capacity Under the law, one must have the legal capacity to make legal decisions about your own life. Including […]

Estate & Trust Lawyers
In general, estate and trust lawyers assist their clients with planning where their assets will go after death and under what terms and conditions. The larger the estate, the more extensive the legal work becomes and the higher the legal fees. Types of Estate and Trust Lawyers Estate and Trust lawyers also go by Wills […]

Funeral Consumer Protections
Funerals are often referred to as a celebration of life. A time to acknowledge and give thanks for their presence in your life. Funerals can also be a financial burden to those responsible for paying for and arranging them. Be A Smart Consumer When Purchasing Funeral Products And Services One way to protect your family […]

Joint Tenancy Explained: Benefits, Risks and Alternatives
What Is Joint Tenancy? A joint tenancy is a legal designation that is used to designate shared ownership. The key feature is the “right of survivorship.” This means that while the joint tenants equally share ownership during their lifetimes, when one joint tenant dies, their interest is extinguished, leaving the surviving joint tenant(s) with sole […]

Power of Attorney: Everything You Need To Know
How Does “Power of Attorney” Work? Q. My father has been terminally ill and wants to make sure that should he become incompetent or unable to manage his finances, someone within the family will do that for him without having to be a joint account owner. Can a Power of Attorney help us accomplish my […]

Types of Elder Abuse: Recognition, Prevention and Legal Action
Elder Abuse – Vulnerable Victims Physical, Financial, Emotional And Sexual Abuse Thousands of older adults are emotionally and physically abused, neglected, and exploited each year. One reason is that elders must depend on others to meet their basic needs thereby making them especially vulnerable to abuse. What Is Elder Abuse? Elder abuse is often described […]

10 Actions Debt Collectors Are Prohibited From Doing
Ten Things Debt Collectors Are Prohibited From Doing According to the Urban Institute, nearly 71 million Americans have debt collection reported in their credit files. This means that almost one-third of our nation is likely receiving letters and calls from debt collectors on a regular basis. According to the Urban Institute report, Nevada has nearly 50% […]

Car Repair Scams: Essential Tips and Red Flags
Most of us know precious little about automotive mechanics, which leaves many of us feeling vulnerable when we need to have our car repaired. This article focuses on some of the major deceptive repair shop practices, how they work and what to look for before authorizing repairs. Deceptive Car Repair Practices Most auto repair shops treat […]

Consumer Identity Theft
This article covers the basic actions consumers should take if they become victims of identity theft. These include immediately notifying the companies that issued you credit, placing a freeze or fraud alert on your credit report, and alerting the Federal Trade Commission to the theft of your identity and the illegal use of your personal […]

Consumer Rights Lawyers: Everything You Need To Know
Consumer rights lawyers, also known as consumer protection lawyers, protect and defend the legal rights of consumers. Depending on the facts of your case, the consumer lawyer will discuss what remedies may be available to you under your state and federal consumer protection laws. Consumer Rights And Protection Lawyers – What They Do Consumer Protection […]

Copyright Infringement
What Is Copyright Law And How Do I Prove Infringement? United States has two bodies of law covering copyright protection The Copyright Act of 1976 The first law, the Copyright Act 1976, protects the rights of original authorship of works and grants copyright protection to authors and creators of such works. The law intended to […]

Cost of Legal Services: Traditional Fees to Affordable Alternatives
The cost of consumer legal services Not all consumer legal matters require the retention of a law firm. Many types of routine legal tasks and services can just as quickly be performed by online services rather than through the traditional law firm pricing model. Consumers of essential legal services benefit from a competitive and changing […]

Digital Privacy Laws: Protecting Personal Information Online
Summary Introduction This article explores the following: The challenges consumers face in protecting their personal information over the internet. Consumers are increasingly aware of collecting and sharing their data by online businesses. How national reporting bureaus collect and sell people’s health and medical information to insurance companies and how it impacts insurance rates and coverage. […]

Federal Product Warranty Laws
Federal Product Warranty Protections For Consumers Federal consumer protections apply to the sale of consumer products, defined as “any tangible personal property which is distributed in commerce and which is normally used for personal, family or household purposes.” Two Major Federal Laws Protecting Consumers Much of the Federal Consumer Sales Law can be found in […]

How to Copyright Your E-Book?
E-Books have quickly evolved into a booming business. The primary reasons are they are affordable and the perfect medium to reach niche markets. According to 2021 statistics, there were over one billion e-book users worldwide, and according to Pew Research, three in ten Americans now read e-books regularly. With the rapid rise of e-book purchases […]

Responding to a Creditor's Summons: Rights & Strategies
Being Served With A Creditor’s Summons And Complaint The Summons A Summons is a written legal notice that is served along with the complaint and provides the Debtor Defendant with clear and specific instructions concerning the procedures to be followed, including how to file and within what period you must file and serve a written […]

Small Claims Court: Affordable Resolution for Minor Disputes
Small Claims Court Small Claims court provides people with an inexpensive way to litigate low-dollar civil disputes quickly, inexpensively, and without needing a lawyer. Most of the time, Small Claims judges are members of the local bar and practicing lawyers. Not Every Claim Is Suitable For Small Claims For example, in many jurisdictions, you are […]

Understanding Warranty Law: Your Rights Explained
Common Questions About Warranty Law Today, new or preowned products are almost always covered by either an express, limited, or implied warranty. This article covers the basic concerns consumers have about warranty law. Should your warranty concerns relate to the purchase or sale of a vehicle or what to do if you believe you have […]

Automatic Stay in Bankruptcy
Stops All Collection Action Against Debtor All collection activity against the debtor or the debtor’s property must cease immediately upon the debtor filing the Petition For Bankruptcy. The Automatic Stay protects the debtor during the bankruptcy proceedings so that the debtor’s case can be resolved without interference from acts of collection. Bankruptcy Code Section 362 […]

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Many consumers can find themselves in substantial debt for a host of reasons, including the loss of a job, going through an expensive divorce resulting in the loss of a second income, or suffering a disabling accident resulting in unpaid hospital and medical bills. Unfortunately, mounting debt can quickly accumulate during these times of financial […]

Bedsores - Elder Abuse
Bedsores – Decubitus Ulcers Bedsores, also called pressure sores or decubitus ulcers. They can develop on the body where the skin overlaps bony areas such as the lower spine and tailbone. The causal mechanism is when body pressure is asserted upon the skin, and the underlying skin is pressed against the bone. Elderly People Are […]

Chiropractors: Treatment, Benefits and Choosing Guide
If you have been in a traffic accident and suffered whiplash, or you twisted and strained your back at work resulting in neck, shoulder, or back pain, you may want to consider visiting a chiropractor to evaluate your condition. Chiropractic practitioners are healthcare providers that treat disorders of the musculoskeletal system. These professionals focus on […]

Business Premise Liability
This article covers the nature and legal basis of premise liability of the following categories of business property owners: Multi-Unit Residential Property Owners and their agents, including the property managers, landlords, and agents who are legally responsible for keeping and maintaining the property in safe and habitable condition. Commercial Property Owners and Retail Businesses and […]

Doctors and Medical Care for Personal Injury Victims
Seeking medical care immediately after an accident is crucial for your health and any personal injury claims you may need to file. This article describes the types of doctors, medical facilities & diagnostic tools used to treat different types of injuries suffered by accident victims in personal injury cases. Medical Treatment Options for Personal Injury […]

Jurisdiction, Venue And Legal Process In Filing A Personal Injury Case
What This Article Covers: This article provides you with an important overview of the initial legal process of filing and serving a personal injury lawsuit in state court, including: Covering how to establish jurisdiction over the defendants. How to ensure the case is filed in the correct court. Ways of choosing the most appropriate and […]

Legal Rights in Food Poisoning Cases
You’ve had a wonderful meal at your favorite restaurant. The shrimp scampi was exquisite. Three hours later, you are wrapped around your toilet, struggling to survive the ordeal. You are upset and would like to know your legal rights, but you think that food poisoning is too small a case for which to take legal […]

Medical Malpractice: Patient Rights
The medical profession comprises many different types of physicians trained and certified in various types of health specialties, as well as general practice physicians and clinical support professionals, such as nurses, diagnostic technicians, and pathologists, to name just a few. There are also institutional medical and healthcare providers, including general and specialty hospitals, urgent care […]

Personal Injury Discovery Process
The discovery process is a critical component of personal injury lawsuits. As the injured party, knowing what to expect and how to approach each phase of the discovery process can make a major difference in the ultimate outcome of your case. While all states have rules and guidelines governing how discovery must be conducted between […]

Personal Injury Lawsuit Lenders
People who are seriously injured can be out of work for many months and consequently need money to cover their living expenses. By borrowing against the future proceeds of their personal injury recovery, the borrower can obtain immediate access to needed cash. This is particularly attractive to people who would not otherwise qualify for a […]

Personal Injury Lawyers
Personal Injury lawyers represent clients who have suffered injuries resulting from negligent or intentional acts caused by individuals, businesses, and public entities. When a lawsuit is filed and litigation commences, the injured client will be referred to as the plaintiff, and those who caused the injuries will be called the defendant(s). The personal injury lawyer’s […]

Types of Damages in Personal Injury Cases
Under the law, you are entitled to recover damages from the person, persons, or entities whose carelessness or intentional conduct was the legal cause of your injury. For most personal injury claims and lawsuits, the injured party has the legal right to be made whole by seeking monetary compensation from the responsible party. The Article […]

Types of Injuries In Accident Cases
There are many types of car accident injuries that people experience during traffic accidents. These can include injuries affecting internal organs and neck, shoulder, and back injuries that might not be immediately apparent. In addition, arm and leg injuries are commonly reported in car collisions due to their sitting posture and their structural vulnerability during […]
Wellness Articles

Yoga - Path to Inner Peace and Resilience
Yoga, a treasure of India’s spiritual heritage, offers a beacon of hope and strength to those navigating the turbulent waters of life’s challenging events. In this article, I aim to introduce you to the world of Yoga, guiding you on how to harness its benefits for mental and physical well-being, especially during tough times. It […]

Benefits of Pet Therapy for Our Emotional Wellbeing
The idea of getting a pet may have crossed your mind at least once in your life. Even if you are not a pet lover, you may have taken comfort in a puppy or kitten’s fluffy, cuddly, and non-judgmental presence. Or you would rather bask in the calm energy of a horse or be soothed […]

How to Be Happy Alone?
In the United States and elsewhere, loneliness is being viewed as a type of health epidemic. People describe their lonely experience as “wandering through a void of nothingness,” “a constant physical emptiness in their chest,” or “a dull ache in their stomach.” Loneliness is so commonly felt that it may be the only thing that […]

Self-Compassion: An Emotional First Aid in Bad Times
Have you done something inappropriate and called yourself a terrible person? Many of us are inclined to be hard and sometimes even cruel to ourselves when things go badly or don’t go as we hoped. We tend to think self-criticism is a form of discipline that strengthens us. Usually, it does just the opposite. Being […]

Cultivate Calm Not Stress: Practical Tips for Stress Management
Stress is part of life, but too much stress can overwhelm us both mentally and physically. Whether you’re feeling burnt out at work, having family problems, or facing personal challenges, managing stress is necessary if you want to feel calm and live well. There are many ways to reduce stress. For most of us, this […]

Job Burnout Stages: Recognizing Signs and Seeking Help
Prolonged and escalating periods of burnout can lead to clinical depression and other severe health conditions. This article covers the various stages of the job burnout cycle and the critical importance of reaching out for professional help as early as possible. The Job Burnout Cycle Burnout is not a medical term The term burnout is […]

Emotional Intelligence in Relationships
How many of your decisions are motivated by your emotions? Modern science has us believe that we can make logical decisions without resorting to our emotions. Yet countless examples, from picking the right stock to choosing the right career, strongly suggest otherwise. It is much more likely that our feelings and emotions play a much […]

Dance & Movement Therapy
The Movement Of Dance Dance and movement therapy integrates the physical experience of dance with the thinking experience of the mind. The integration opens in us an energetic feedback loop in which information can flow in both directions, between body and mind, and forms a common language. Dance and movement therapy can help us close […]

Anxiety Disorders: Causes and Treatments
Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions, affecting millions of people worldwide. They cause excessive fear, worry, and physical symptoms that can disrupt daily life. There are normal states of anxiety, and there are abnormal states of anxiety. And sometimes, both types of anxiety can co-exist at the same time. While occasional […]

Developing a regular meditation practice helps liberate you from reacting to trouble with fear, anxiety, and panic. Meditation grounds you in the present moment. A place of calm being, not fearing – an interior space where you can then focus on what needs to be done. Sometimes this can be done best through the practice […]

The Mind-Heart Connection - A Holistic Approach
When anxious thoughts race through your mind, do you feel like your heart can jump out of your ribcage? When a wave of anger burns through your heart, is it complex for you to articulate coherent thoughts? These are just some instances where your heart and mind work in tandem. Like a duet, one does […]

Adult-Children of Alcoholics
The mission of Adult Children of Alcoholics is to support and advocate for all children of adult alcoholics and their families. Being A Child Of An Alcoholic Research shows alcoholism tends to run in families When children are exposed to an environment saturated with alcoholism and dysfunction, their chances of abusing alcohol themselves increase four […]

Contemplative Meditation
Do you find it hard to clear your mind of thoughts while meditating? This is challenging when you are facing a quagmire and need to harness your mental focus to puzzle through the issue. Letting go of distracting thoughts is an important aspect of most traditional meditation practices. But letting go of thoughts is just […]

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: How to Deal with Spiraling Thoughts
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a psychological treatment that can turn intrusive thoughts into constructive thoughts, loosening the unhealthy grip of negative thinking on your mind. Negative thinking, especially if it turns obsessive, can lead to a cycle of hopelessness and despair. Proven by evidence-based research, it has helped many people bounce back from depression, anxiety, […]

How to Ease the Pain of Loneliness?
What’s the similarity between a social butterfly and a lone wolf? They have both experienced loneliness. In fact, according to the NIH, loneliness has become a worldwide phenomenon. Feeling lonely is a common experience, regardless of how many friends or family members we have. We all feel it, regardless of our current emotional or mental health, relationship […]

Finding Peace Through Yoga During Divorce
If you’re facing legal trouble such as divorce, learn how to quiet the mind and heal the spirit through the natural therapies and benefits found in the practice of Yoga. Yoga Can Help With The Emotional And Spiritual Impact Of Divorce There is an emotional and spiritual impact on getting a divorce. Some people believe […]

Adventures In Dyslexia
My Earliest Memories With Dyslexia Life has always puzzled me. Especially when it came to my early education. Learning to read, do math, and even tell time always felt like working through a thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle—but without ever seeing the box cover that showed the completed image. For most of my life, I did everything […]

Alcoholism: Signs, Causes, and Recovery
Alcoholism, also known as “alcohol dependence,” is an obsessive craving to consume alcohol. Alcohol abuse, at one time, was viewed primarily as a moral problem. Today, most medical researchers view alcoholism as a disease that activates obsessive-compulsive neural behavior. Statistic: According to 2024 federal data, less than a third of all people with alcohol problems […]

Drug Addiction and Recovery
Drug addiction and recovery is a tough and life-changing process that affects not only the addict but also their loved ones. Drug addiction is a treatable disorder that affects millions of Americans. To overcome drug addiction and other forms of substance abuse, you will need to fully understand your specific condition and its treatment options […]

Homeopathy: Definition, Efficacy, and Safety Concerns
The world of homeopathic medicine—a form of alternative medicine originating from eighteenth-century Germany—boasts remedies for all types of health conditions and ailments. Despite its popularity, clinical trials and scientific evidence are often scrutinized to validate homeopathic drugs and their efficacy in treating health conditions. Despite the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s official warning, you will […]

How Stress Affects Your Health: Causes and Solutions
How Stress Impacts Our Physical & Mental Life According to The American Institute of Stress, over 70 percent of people report experiencing stress which adversely impacts their physical and mental health. Of those experiencing such stress, 33 percent describe their stress as extreme. 2022 stress statistics According to polls conducted by the American Psychological Association, the top sources […]

How To Turn A Bad Day Around Practical Tips
A bad day is just that: it’s only a day. See it as something finite and limited. Knowing that all bad days pass, makes it much more bearable. Our tips below are sorted into two situations: You have to keep going. You have time for a break. Pick the one closest to your current situation. […]

Mental Health
What is Mental Health? Mental health concerns our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act in our daily lives. Understanding our mental health helps us build better relationships, improve our health, and boost productivity. Focusing on self-care, recognizing issues early, and adopting effective coping strategies can help reduce stigma […]

Partner Communication: Strategies for Heart-to-Heart Talks
How To Have Heart-To-Heart Conversations When differences arise and stress and anxiety escalate between partners, consider having an honest and empathetic conversation with your partner. Doing so will not only help you reach a resolution to the problem, but it can also contribute to developing a more robust, deeper, and meaningful relationship. Calm down and […]

One of the most important professionals in mental health is the psychiatrist, a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing, treating, and preventing mental disorders. Unlike clinical psychologists, who focus more on psychotherapy, psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in medication-based management for those seeking relief from specific mental disorders. This article will explore what psychiatrists […]

What Is a Psychologist? Psychologists are highly educated and trained professionals. They must earn at least a master’s degree, and many obtain their doctorate in clinical psychology. In addition, most states require at least a two-year internship as part of their postgraduate clinical training. Psychologists, among other roles, assist their patients in learning how to […]

The Joy and Risks of Video Gaming
“Honey! Stop your video games. Dinner’s ready! Coming. One minute.” You will need ten minutes to beat this boss and finish watching the “Quest Completed!” cinematic. No way to save your game sooner. Twenty minutes ago, you asked when you could eventually eat, and she answered, “five minutes.” So, now, it’s her turn to wait. […]

Transpersonal Psychology
Transpersonal Psychology: A Transformative Psychology Transpersonal psychotherapy is a school of modern psychology that integrates the center of internal cognition with a deeper and more expansive reach that embodies both spiritual and humanistic growth. Transpersonal psychology focuses on both psychological and spiritual growth. Transpersonal psychologists believe that psychological development can go beyond the traditional limits […]

Ending Relationships Gracefully: With Respect and Compassion
Penicillin For The Soul Ending a committed relationship is often fraught with anxiety and regret. We learn that you and your former partner would be much better off if you offered the other understanding and respect – even if you honestly believe your partner had wronged you in some way. This is the challenge, and […]

Mental Health Counseling
Our Emotional And Mental Health Emotional suffering touches nearly every family in America, and over 30% of the population is said to have suffered some form of emotional suffering. Emotional and mental disorders can happen to any age group, race, religion, or income class. The good news is that conditions affecting our emotional and mental […]

Power Of Perspective
Seeing Yourself From A Deeper Perspective Q. I’m generally not someone that complains when I get hit with tough times. I was taught from an early age that when I fall, I get back up and get on with the process of overcoming whatever it was that knocked me down. I have been doing that for […]

Antidepressants: Options, Risks, and Alternatives
This article addresses the kinds of drug therapy available in the treatment of depression. It will also look at the recent criticism stemming from the overuse and dependency on them. Considering Antidepressants? Q. I am in my third year of being broke. It has been taking a toll on my emotional life. I have no […]

Dating After Divorce at 40: Eight Key Insights for New Beginnings
Embarking on the dating scene after a divorce can be intimidating, especially in your 40s. Yet, it’s also a wonderful opportunity for personal growth and to explore new relationships with greater wisdom and experience. This article offers insights and practical advice tailored to your unique life experiences. We explore emotional readiness, modern dating strategies, and […]

Depression: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options
Symptoms Of Depression Depression and stress can disrupt how you function, eat, sleep, and get along with others. There are different reasons why people experience depression. For example, financial trouble can cause poor self-esteem. Losing your home to foreclosure can cause marital problems and lead to separation, divorce, and bankruptcy. Financial stress and worry can […]

Handling Jealous Boyfriend in a Co-parenting Relationship: Strategies
The trouble begins when your girlfriend or boyfriend’s jealousy impacts the co-parenting harmony you have worked hard to establish with your former spouse and children. Imagine a situation where every step you take feels like walking on eggshells. It can feel like this when the person you are currently dating becomes jealous over your co-parenting […]

Hopelessness And Despair
Extended States Of Hopelessness And Despair Depression often begins with escalating levels of stress and anxiety, culminating in feelings of being trapped and emotionally exhausted. The nervous system has come under assault, and the person impacted neither has the energy nor the will to change the circumstances that have caused the cycle to continue. Escalating […]

Panic Attacks: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options
Panic attacks often come on suddenly without warning. Panic attacks are described by those who have experienced them as overwhelming terror without an apparent and immediate single cause. Cause Of Panic Attacks Panic attacks have been shown to be associated with a cluster of stressful and anxiety-driven events culminating in a full-blown panic attack. This […]

Reiki Massage Therapy
Reiki is a holistic body-spirit healing practice that induces an energetic transfer between the Reiki practitioner and the person being worked on. By recognizing energetic blocks and releasing them, the practitioner clears the natural flow of energy, restoring a higher level of balance and healing. Reiki Is A Centuries-Old Healing Practice Reiki is a form […]

Yoga for Stress Relief
We all experience stress from time to time. Life is demanding, and it’s easy to feel like you’re carrying the world’s weight on your shoulders (quite literally). The good news? There are ways to ease that load, and yoga is one of the most compassionate and effective tools I’ve found for relieving stress. Having spent […]
Financial Articles

Unemployment Insurance
Unemployment insurance aims to provide laid-off workers with temporary financial assistance. Each state administers its unemployment insurance program based on federal unemployment guidelines and requirements. How To File For Unemployment You will need to file for unemployment online, by telephone, or in person at your local unemployment office. Be prepared to provide them with information […]

How to Respond to an IRS Audit Letter?
Responding To The IRS Audit Letter Almost half of all IRS tax audits originate with your receipt of an official IRS taxpayer letter requesting that you provide additional information concerning your tax return and supply the IRS with further supporting documentation. There is no need to panic at this point – but you should proceed […]

Finding A New Job
Looking for a new job? Whether you dream about resigning from your current role or applying for your very first career opportunity, you must be realistic. In the job search process, it takes time before landing that first interview. While more than half of U.S. people expect the whole procedure to last less than 2 […]

Online Job Search: Working From Home
Working Online From Home The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that nearly a third of all eligible workers qualify as self-employed professionals or contractors. The increase in remote workers also has resulted in advances in home-office video and content-sharing technology – say nothing of having online access to incredible AI tools like Chat GPT. The trend […]

Online Education: Advancements and Acceptance
Online Education And Degrees Over the past decade, online education has reached greater acceptance and favor from students who cannot attend full-time university but still want to earn a degree in their area of interest. Due to advances in education online technology platforms, faster online speeds, and broader bandwidth, classroom learning is quickly becoming the […]

How Frugality Can Lead To Economic Happiness
Life throws us into financial chaos: termination from a job, accident-related medical bills, or just trying to keep up with rising costs. In those moments, being frugal can be more than just a survival strategy; it can be a path to economic happiness. The concept of frugality has become increasingly popular in recent years. Many […]

Financial Decline to Hardship: Legal And Financial Help
From Financial Decline To Financial Hardship Many of us think of financial hardship as a concept rather than a state of being because the triggering facts are too confronting to process. For most people, discussing one’s financial decline, even among friends and family, can be an uncomfortable experience. In today’s climate, we think of poverty […]

Help With Rent
According to a recently updated January 2022 government study, 10.2 million people in 5.2 million American households use federal rental assistance to afford modest housing. Of these, 69% are seniors, children, or people with disabilities. Low Income-Affordable Housing Four in ten low-income people in the United States are homeless or pay over half their income for rent. Most don’t […]

Debt Management: Essential Tips and Debt Relief Options
Manage Your Debt And Debt Relief Options Managing your debt requires first deciding which bills take priority over others. Choosing what to pay first will depend on the type and character of the debt you incurred. This article will explain why essential debts should be paid before non-essential debts and why payment of secured loans […]

Cash Assistance: TANF
As of 2021, the TANF program provided around $16.5 billion to the states, including the District of Columbia. U.S. territories were also included in this number. Cash Assistance For Low-Income Families (TANF) The TANF cash assistance program is designed around the income needs of families whose incomes and resources are insufficient to meet the family’s […]

Home Equity Credit Lines: Your Options and Risks
Needing Fast Cash At Competitive Rates Should you need fast cash because you lost a job, or perhaps one of your children needs a short-term loan to cover unexpected legal expenses? Whatever the reason, you may wish to consider cash-out borrowing. With cash-out lending, you can convert a portion of your home’s equity into cash. […]

Rent A Room
Save On Rent By Having A Roommate According to Pew Research, more than one-third of adults in the United States live with at least one roommate. The reason is affordability. According to a March 2021 survey by the National Association of Realtors, housing and rental prices have reached record highs. Most adults have roommates for […]

Discount Health Centers
Federally Funded Health Centers To Underserved Communities What is a Federally Funded Community Health Center? HRSA funds nearly 1,400 health centers collectively operating more than 14,000 service delivery sites in communities across the country. Health centers are community-based organizations that offer essential primary and preventive care services to populations with limited access to health care. […]

Consumer Credit Counseling
The goal of consumer credit counseling, also called credit debt management services, is to show consumers how to pay down debt and rebuild credit. Many types of credit counseling services are non-profit organizations and charge a modest fee for their services. Three Goals Of Credit Counseling First Goal: Get a clear picture of the debtor’s […]

Facing Eviction - Public Assistance Options
Eviction Legal Aid Clinics If you’re looking for help fighting an eviction, you are not alone. In almost every state, there are organizations working to help people facing eviction. There may also be law school clinics or pro-bono attorneys that offer their services for free or at a substantially reduced fee depending on your financial needs […]

Foreclosure to Fascism: The Unlearned Lessons of 2008
Why All The Financial Suffering? Many people point to all those foreclosures and the economic chaos and ruin that followed the 2008 housing market collapse. Much of it had been brought on by overzealous lenders who lured borrowers into teaser loans containing low front-end payments that later adjusted into much higher rates and higher monthly […]

Nonpayment of Utilities
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program As the growing gap between rich and the working poor continues to widen, lower and middle class families are finding it more difficult to pay even the most basic of their household bills. By anyone’s standard, keeping the lights on and the kids warm is as basic as it gets. […]

Food Banks & Pantries
One in six low-income Americans deals with some level of hunger. As a result, local Food Banks and Pantries are quickly becoming the “new normal” for many no-income as well as low-income Americans. Thanks to the support and assistance of local neighborhood meal programs, food banks, and pantries, these neighborhood organizations provide low-income and homeless […]

Types Of Homeless Shelters
Different Types Of Homeless Shelters Why so many homeless shelters? 22024 – Highest Level of Homelessness According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), over 770,000 people went homeless in 2024. This spike represents an 18% increase from 2023 and was the largest increase since HUD first began collecting homeless data. In 2023 […]

Credit Bureau Reporting
Adverse Reporting By Credit Services – Consequences And Fixes A poor credit report can prevent you from obtaining credit. If you need help getting credit, it might be because a credit agency has issued a negative statement on you. You might receive a copy of your report; if it contains false information, you should get […]

Locked Out Of Storage Unit
What To Do If You’re Locked Out of a Storage Unit? Being locked out of a storage unit without warning or legal grounds is stressful and costly. While storage facilities have rights, they must follow specific legal procedures to deny access. If you find yourself locked out from your storage unit, here’s what you can […]

Small Claims Court: Affordable Resolution for Minor Disputes
Small Claims Court Small Claims court provides people with an inexpensive way to litigate low-dollar civil disputes quickly, inexpensively, and without needing a lawyer. Most of the time, Small Claims judges are members of the local bar and practicing lawyers. Not Every Claim Is Suitable For Small Claims For example, in many jurisdictions, you are […]

10 Actions Debt Collectors Are Prohibited From Doing
Ten Things Debt Collectors Are Prohibited From Doing According to the Urban Institute, nearly 71 million Americans have debt collection reported in their credit files. This means that almost one-third of our nation is likely receiving letters and calls from debt collectors on a regular basis. According to the Urban Institute report, Nevada has nearly 50% […]

Can't Afford To Pay Taxes: Tax Penalties Explained
One’s inability to pay taxes is not tax evasion. People fear that if they can’t afford to pay their taxes, they have committed a criminal offense and are subject to criminal prosecution. This is not the case. It is best to contact a certified public accountant for guidance. This article will focus on the civil […]

Car Title Loans: Costs, Risks, and Alternatives
What is a car title loan? To get a car title loan, you give the lender the title to your vehicle in exchange for receiving a loan against the equity in your car. Your vehicle secures the loan and is the collateral that ensures the lender will be repaid on the loan. If you default […]

Help with Utility Bills: LIHEAP Assistance for Low-Income Families
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Millions of low-income families struggle to pay their utility bills. As temperatures drop in winter and soar in summer, the added expense of energy bills can make an already challenging financial situation unbearable. If you’re one of the many families looking for help, the Low Income Home Energy […]

IRS Payment Plans and Hardship Programs
Under certain conditions, the IRS will allow taxpayers to enter into an agreement in which their outstanding taxes can be made in monthly installments. There are two types of IRS installment plans – short-term and long-term. If you qualify the IRS also has a hardship program for those who are going through financial hardship. Tax […]

IRS Tax Collection Process
Should your case go to the IRS Collection Department, it’s probably because the IRS determined you owe them back taxes. This will happen if you file a tax return and underpay or if they insist on performing an audit and you stall their request. This article will cover some of the IRS methods of collection. […]

Tax Settlement Services
Tax Settlement Services For Resolving Tax Debts Individuals and businesses with outstanding tax balances can face substantial IRS collection penalties, which can result in the seizure of bank account levies and the seizure of personal property such as vehicles. Tax relief companies claim they can help you reduce the taxes owed and work out a payment […]