Need another word that means the same as “going”? Find 36 synonyms and 30 related words for “going” in this overview.
- Going as a Noun
- Definitions of "Going" as a noun
- Synonyms of "Going" as a noun (15 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Going" as a noun
- Going as an Adjective
- Definitions of "Going" as an adjective
- Synonyms of "Going" as an adjective (21 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Going" as an adjective
- Associations of "Going" (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Going” are: departure, going away, leaving, exit, expiration, loss, passing, release, sledding, forward movement, progression, advance, advancement, headway, passage, profitable, gainful, remunerative, moneymaking, paying, well paid, bankable, cost-effective, prevalent, prevailing, common, in general use, accepted, in circulation, circulating, going around, doing the rounds, popular, widespread, rife, about
Going as a Noun
Definitions of "Going" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “going” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The condition of the ground viewed in terms of suitability for horse racing, riding, or walking.
- Euphemistic expressions for death.
- Conditions for, or progress in, an endeavour.
- An act of leaving a place; a departure.
- The act of departing.
- Advancing toward a goal.
- Progress affected by the condition of the ground.

Synonyms of "Going" as a noun (15 Words)
advance | An amount paid before it is earned. The news caused a general advance on the stock market. |
advancement | The act of moving forward (as toward a goal. Advancement of knowledge. |
departure | A deviation from an accepted, prescribed, or usual course of action. The album is not a radical departure from the band s previous work. |
exit | A place for traffic to leave a major road or roundabout. An emergency exit. |
expiration | The end of a period of time. At the end of expiration there is still a slight inflation in the lungs. |
forward movement | A position on a basketball, soccer, or hockey team. |
going away | Advancing toward a goal. |
headway | Forward movement. The ship made little headway against the gale. |
leaving | The act of departing. |
loss | A person who or thing that is badly missed when lost. Weight loss. |
passage | A narrow way allowing access between buildings or to different rooms within a building a passageway. A passage migrant. |
passing | In sport the action of passing a ball to another team member. With the passing of the years she had become a little eccentric. |
progression | The process of developing or moving gradually towards a more advanced state. Good opportunities for career progression. |
release | A device that when pressed will release part of a mechanism. The movie will be on release from Christmas. |
sledding | The sport of riding on a sled or sleigh. Sledding is not allowed on ski trails. |

Usage Examples of "Going" as a noun
- Persuading him was easy going.
- The paths were covered with drifting snow and the going was difficult.
- She is a big support when the going gets tough.
- The search goes on, but it is slow going.
- The going was ideal here, with short turf and a level surface.
- An opportunity to get out while the going is good.
- Don't lose track of your child's comings and goings.

Going as an Adjective
Definitions of "Going" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “going” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- (of a price) accepted or usual at the current time.
- In full operation.
- Existing or available; to be had.

Synonyms of "Going" as an adjective (21 Words)
about | On the move. Up and about. |
accepted | Generally believed or recognized to be valid or correct. The accepted consensus within the church. |
bankable | Guaranteed to bring a profit. A bankable assurance. |
circulating | Passing from one to another. Circulating bills and coins. |
common | Common to or shared by two or more parties. The dwellings of common people. |
cost-effective | Productive relative to the cost. |
doing the rounds | Having a circular shape. |
gainful | Yielding a fair profit. He soon found gainful employment. |
going around | In full operation. |
in circulation | Holding office. |
in general use | Directed or bound inward. |
moneymaking | Profit oriented. A moneymaking business. |
paying | Yielding a fair profit. A paying job. |
popular | (of cultural activities or products) intended for or suited to the taste, understanding, or means of the general public rather than specialists or intellectuals. Popular representation. |
prevailing | Having most appeal or influence; prevalent. Prevailing winds. |
prevalent | Predominant; powerful. The social ills prevalent in society today. |
profitable | (of a business or activity) yielding profit or financial gain. A professionally run and profitable company. |
remunerative | Earning a salary; paid. A remunerative business. |
rife | Full of. Male chauvinism was rife in medicine. |
well paid | In good health especially after having suffered illness or injury. |
widespread | Widely circulated or diffused. A widespread doctrine. |

Usage Examples of "Going" as an adjective
- He asked if there were any other jobs going.
- People willing to work for the going rate.
- A going concern.

Associations of "Going" (30 Words)
abscond | Leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to escape from custody or avoid arrest. The barman absconded with a week s takings. |
absence | An occasion or period of being away from a place or person. The letter had arrived during his absence. |
ambulate | Walk; move about. People who make use of crutches to ambulate. |
astray | Away from the correct path or direction. A bullet went astray and killed a bystander. |
away | Out of the way especially away from one s thoughts. In front of them the land fell away to the river. |
bereavement | The fact or condition of being bereaved. The family suffered a sad bereavement. |
decamp | Run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along. The armies of both chiefs had decamped. |
depart | Leave. The train departs at noon. |
deviate | A person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior. Their deviate behaviour. |
digress | Leave the main subject temporarily in speech or writing. I have digressed a little from my original plan. |
dislodge | Change place or direction. The hoofs of their horses dislodged loose stones. |
egress | (astronomy) the reappearance of a celestial body after an eclipse. A narrow egress. |
err | To make a mistake or be incorrect. The judge had erred in ruling that the evidence was inadmissible. |
exude | (with reference to moisture or a smell) discharge or be discharged slowly and steadily. She exudes great confidence. |
far | More distant than another object of the same kind. The far future. |
gad | An anxiety disorder characterized by chronic free-floating anxiety and such symptoms as tension or sweating or trembling or lightheadedness or irritability etc that has lasted for more than six months. He had heard that I was gadding about with an airline stewardess. |
gallivant | Wander aimlessly in search of pleasure. She quit her job to go gallivanting around the globe. |
leave | Leave behind unintentionally. Leave your child in the nurse s care. |
leaving | The act of departing. |
mitigation | The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something. The identification and mitigation of pollution. |
outlet | An opening that permits escape or release. A designer outlet. |
overboard | To extremes. The severe storm washed a man overboard. |
passing | In sport the action of passing a ball to another team member. His play showed good passing and control. |
ramble | Walk for pleasure in the countryside. Willy rambled on about Norman archways. |
roam | (of a person’s eyes or hands) pass lightly over something without stopping. The gypsies roamed the woods. |
rove | Move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment. The policeman s eyes roved around the pub. |
sidetrack | A railway branch line or siding. A sidetrack to the original discovery well. |
spill | An instance of a liquid spilling or being spilt. Passengers baggage had spilled out of the hold. |
stray | An animal that has strayed especially a domestic animal. Dog owners are urged not to allow their dogs to stray. |
wander | An act or instance of wandering. After dinner we wandered into town. |