Need another word that means the same as “quirky”? Find 20 synonyms and 30 related words for “quirky” in this overview.
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The synonyms of “Quirky” are: far-out, kinky, offbeat, way-out, eccentric, idiosyncratic, unconventional, unorthodox, unusual, strange, bizarre, weird, peculiar, odd, freakish, outlandish, out of the ordinary, bohemian, alternative, zany
Quirky as an Adjective
Definitions of "Quirky" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “quirky” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- (informal) strikingly unconventional.
- Informal terms; strikingly unconventional.
- Having or characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits or aspects.

Synonyms of "Quirky" as an adjective (20 Words)
alternative | (of two things) mutually exclusive. Alternative possibilities were neutrality or war. |
bizarre | Very strange or unusual. His behaviour became more and more bizarre. |
bohemian | Socially unconventional in an artistic way. As an opera singer you live a bohemian lifestyle. |
eccentric | Conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual. He noted her eccentric appearance. |
far-out | Informal terms; strikingly unconventional. |
freakish | Very unusual, strange, or unexpected. A freakish extra toe. |
idiosyncratic | Relating to idiosyncrasy; peculiar or individual. Michelangelo s highly idiosyncratic style of painting. |
odd | (of whole numbers such as 3 and 5) having one left over as a remainder when divided by two. Invited 30 odd guests. |
offbeat | (informal) strikingly unconventional. A rapid tempo is essential here otherwise we will not sense the offbeat hemiolas. |
out of the ordinary | Out of power; especially having been unsuccessful in an election. |
outlandish | Conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual. Three wise outlandish kings. |
peculiar | Particular; special. A peculiar bond of sympathy between them. |
strange | Denoting or involving a flavour (variety) of unstable quark having an electric charge of -1/3. Strange quarks have similar properties to down quarks and bottom quarks, but are distinguished from them by having an intermediate mass. It is strange how things change. |
unconventional | Not conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention. An unconventional marriage. |
unorthodox | Breaking with convention or tradition. An unorthodox lifestyle. |
unusual | Not commonly encountered. A scene of unusual beauty. |
way-out | Informal terms; strikingly unconventional. |
weird | Suggesting something supernatural; unearthly. Some trick of the moonlight some weird effect of shadow. |
zany | Ludicrous, foolish. His zany humour. |

Usage Examples of "Quirky" as an adjective
- Her sense of humour was decidedly quirky.

Associations of "Quirky" (30 Words)
amusing | Arousing or provoking laughter. An amusing speaker. |
bespectacled | Wearing glasses. A bespectacled grandmother. |
comical | Amusing, especially in a ludicrous or absurd way. A series of comical misunderstandings. |
droll | Curious or unusual in a way that provokes dry amusement. His unique brand of droll self mockery. |
eccentric | A person of a specified kind usually with many eccentricities. He s seen as a local eccentric. |
fun | A source of fun. They are just funning you. |
funny | Comic strips in newspapers. That s funny that vase of flowers has been moved. |
geek | A performer at a carnival or circus whose show consists of bizarre or grotesque acts. I am totally geeking out over this upcoming film. |
goofy | Foolish or harmlessly eccentric. A goofy grin. |
hilarious | Extremely amusing. Her hilarious novel. |
humor | The trait of appreciating and being able to express the humorous. The humors are blood and phlegm and yellow and black bile. |
humorous | Full of or characterized by humor. His humorous grey eyes. |
jocose | Playful or humorous. A jocose allusion. |
jocular | Fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful. They tried to deal with this painful subject jocularly. |
joke | Tell a joke speak humorously. He told a very funny joke. |
laugh | The sound of laughing. That s a laugh the idea of you cooking a meal. |
laughable | So ludicrous as to be amusing. A contribution so small as to be laughable. |
ludicrous | Incongruous;inviting ridicule. It is ludicrous to call a cottage a mansion. |
mischievous | (of an action or statement) causing or intended to cause harm or trouble. A mischievous grin. |
offbeat | (informal) strikingly unconventional. The horns come in full force on the offbeats. |
playful | Intended for one’s own or others’ amusement rather than seriously. The ballet accents the playful use of movement. |
pleasure | Sensual gratification. He serves at the pleasure of the President. |
puckish | Naughtily or annoyingly playful. A puckish sense of humour. |
repartee | Conversation or speech characterized by quick, witty comments or replies. He had a quick mind and a splendid gift of repartee. |
ridiculous | Inspiring scornful pity. That ridiculous tartan cap. |
silly | Ridiculously trivial or frivolous. A silly idea. |
slapstick | A device consisting of two flexible pieces of wood joined together at one end, used by clowns and in pantomime to produce a loud slapping noise. Slapstick style of humor. |
whimsical | Playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way. The whimsical arbitrariness of autocracy. |
witticism | A message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter. Maurice roared with laughter at his own witticisms. |
witty | Combining clever conception and facetious expression. A witty remark. |