International award-winning Canadian painter, Chin Yuen, has lived in seven countries and finds her diverse cultural exposures an artistic asset. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honors from Emily Carr College of Art and Design (Vancouver, Canada) and a Master of Arts from the University of Victoria, Canada. For over 20 years, she has exhibited and taught internationally. Her dynamic abstract paintings are published on international textbook covers and can be enjoyed in major hotels throughout North America.
Yuen describes her creative process as a luxurious meditative act that combines the physical joy of painting with the analytical skills of problem solving. Her goal is to explore different ways of expressing beauty and innovation. When viewing her dynamic abstract paintings, you will not see the mirror image of the world you witness, but one with a reflective and colourful twist.
My artworks reflect the different stages of my artistic journey, which can be expressed in two different visual languages: representational and abstract.
Language has played a significant role in my life. Having lived in seven countries, I learn the importance of expressing myself succinctly. Combining this with my strong love for drawing and painting realistically, I had a long relationship with figurative and narrative art.
For the last 12 years, I have been working on several abstract series, which were born out of my desire to move beyond the literal. Abstraction allows me to express movements, beauty, and energies through a unique combination of vibrant colours, textures, and visual inventions. The layering of washes and impasto acrylic paints show the rich process of painting, which are intuitive, sensual, and analytical—a synthesis of different experiences and techniques that offers constant stimulations and enjoyment.
My paintings are inventions of things that I cannot see—like the emission of energy in conversations, ideas, and dreams; or the interactions of stars in our galaxy; or the geometric reflection of a flower. There is no limit to what I can imagine and create on my artistic journey and it is an honour to share it with others.