Kasetsart University has organized activities or projects to change a habit of carelessly consume materials or resources. The purposes of the activities or projects are to reduce energy consumption and create environmental friendly behavior of student and staff. These activities will be least cost or free of charge. In addition, Kasetsart University has also pushed ‘the Zero Waste Society’ program to reuse waste or leftover material by these following policies:

Avoid: avoid using of material which difficult to eliminate.
Reduce: reduce purchasing or using material which cause waste.
Reuse: bring back used material or thing to be used again.
Recycle: processing or transformed leftover material and use again.

[3.1] Recycling Program For University Waste

Kasetsart University has a strong intention to urge student, staff and public general aware of importance of waste management, recycling materials and resource consumption thoughtfully at first hand. Therefore, the university encourage all parts of the university to join recycle program by reducing, separating, and reuse and bring back some waste to use again. These are relevant activities:

3.1-1 Upcycling or conversion of waste materials or non-functional products into existing ones to new quality and value added products. Upcycling is a process that focuses on resource efficiency by developing leftover materials into new products that are valued in both design and commercial aspects. AKU Upcycling designer team of the Faculty of Architecture, Kasetsart University has put new ideas to develop scrapped items and bring them back to life for reuse. This is the effort to create eco-friendly products and take social responsibility into account.

[Figure 3.1-1]

Chairs made from natural materials such as bark, chaff, coconut fiber and


[Figure 3.1-1]

3.1.2 Kasetsart University has promoted waste sorting. Garbage banks are a form of operation to promote separation of solid waste. The university is the best place for students to understand useful of the separation of waste. It also raises awareness of students that the more student consume products, the more waste increase. In addition, to save budget for trash bin purchasing, students made separate trash bins for this project.


[Figure 3.1-2]

3.1-3 Using of cloth bags is an alternative way to control the amount of plastic bags. It decreases wastes and global warming effect. Consumer can solve this problem by using cloth bags or made it from leftover materials as shopping bags. This will build awareness of environmental conservation in everyday life.




[Figure 3.1-3]

3.1.4 Kasetsart University gradually organizes environmental activities. To make understanding and build awareness of student and staff that everyone in the university can relief global warming effect. Behavior changing to decrease waste by recycling, reuse or other concerned activities can help.


3.2-1 Kasetsart University has cooperated with the public companies to apply for reduction of a one-time used plastic products in convenience stores or restaurants in university. This program is upon agreement of the Sustainable University Network of Thailand or AC-SUN. The network, is under the Council of University Presidents of Thailand, collaborated with the government and private sectors. The purpose is concurring to Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (UN), Target 12. It is the responsible consumption and production Plan. The current urgent agenda is to reduce the amount of single-used plastic and disposable products. The goal is to create a new standard for environmental friendly living.


[Figure 3.2-1]

3.2-2 Many of restaurants and cafés at Kasetsart University recognize the important policy of reducing of one-time used plastic. Therefore, there is special discount of giving in campaign is applied when buyer bring their own mugs or food boxes.


[Figure 3.2-2]

3.2-3. Kasetsart University awares of global problems today. Hence, all departments of Kasetsart must adapt to change the world. The Information technology plays an important role in management of the university. It replaces conventional system such as paper work. Development projects i.e. e-office system, internet and website development are applied. These systems are used as a channel to transfer knowledge, information and communication between each other. The benefit of these systems are prompt operation, budget and manpower saving. It also reduced workflow. The e-meeting system is used as a replacement of paper work. Usage of scan document system instead of the original document and use social media to provide knowledge and communication etc. are also parts of action.


[Figure 3.2-3] E-meeting system. The e-meeting system is used as a replacement of paper work. Using social media oparation replacing paper comsumtion


[Figure 3.2-3] Sharing knowledge and information by social media

3.2-4 The paper saving campaign of Kasetsart University is still ongoing. This idea emerged from awareness of loss of a large amount of natural resources in paper manufacturing. Every paper made from tree, and cutting off trees effected ecosystem. Paper is related to our daily life inevitably. Whereas, the more we use paper, the more trees were cut down. Hence, to stop loss of natural resources of nation, productive consumption of paper should be considered. Many saving energy projects to save country in crisis such as using two-pages paper, paper separation (picks white papers out from color papers) and recycle paper were brought to apply in the university.


[Figure 3.2-4] Student and staff of the university joined many green activities.

3.2-5 Kasetsart University aware of food packaging products issues in daily life especially, foam food boxes which effected to health. Toxic substances accumulated in the body. In addition, foam and plastic are other major problem which affect directly environment. Therefore, the university request cooperation from seller at the canteen to reduce and discard foam food boxes consumption and look other materials that are not harmful to health and environment to replace. Besides, the university managed a campaign to promote this ideas by setting banners at the cafeteria and buildings.


[Figure 3.2-5] Say No to Foam campaign banners

3.2-6 Packaging materials such as paper, glass, metal and plastic can be reusable. The “Single-use” causes excessive wastes. So, repeated using of materials, for example glass, helps maintain good environment. Due to the fact that it can be washed to use again.


[Figure 3.2-6] Reuse of glass and bottle of water

3.2-7 Plastic waste is a major cause of global warming. The more consumption of plastic bags is increased, the more carbon dioxide emission is released to global atmosphere. This will bring many pollution issue to the world. There are currently more campaigns about using plastic bags instead of plastic bags in today’s society. Therefore, many units of the university organize a campaign on using of cloth bags and plastic bags reusing.


Nowadays, the problem of the increasing amount of garbage; the inability to eliminate waste immediately throws some light on the causes and effects of waste pollution follow by environmental pollution. More than 50% of all solid waste is organic waste such as food waste, vegetables, fruits and weeds. The organic waste could be fermented and this option will turn a burden to a value. It can also help reduce problems in the waste management system and to reduce disposal costs as well as to reduce the amount of waste that needs to be landfilled.

3.3-1. Presently, Kasetsart University has been conducting research on the use of nature in Organic Waste Management. One of the guidelines is the introduction of Black Soldier Fly Larvae to help in the removal of organic waste at the source. Fly larvae also play an important role in the degradation of food waste, wet waste, manure, as well as debris. The removal of organic waste by fly larvae was more than 70% effective and the university also transferred knowledge to the community to apply for waste disposal in the vicinity of the campus. This research proves that fly larvae are neither carriers nor pests and no nuisance to the community. The organic waste that is degraded by the fly larvae can be used as fertilizer. This type of worm can help to quickly digest organic waste. It is a way to reduce environmental problems. Organic waste composting is rich in plant nutrients. The adult fly larvae are high in protein, fat, omega, dietary fiber, calcium, and high acid. It is suitable for animal feed as well.


[Figure 3.3-1] Removal of organic waste by fly larvae

3.3-2 Biogas and Liquid Fertilizer Project is an organic waste management project from the on-campus restaurants. It encourages learning and research resources for students and staff as well as practical applications for plant maintenance and soil maintenance. It is a project that can reduce the amount of organic waste such as debris, branches and leaves by landfill and used for soil maintenance for the trees on the campus.


[Figure 3.3-2] Gathering food waste to produce biogas and produce liquid fertilizer and to take care of the plants.

3.3-3 A project on compost in beautiful garden is a project that can help to reduce the amount of organic waste, fallen leaves and twigs by landfill and used for soil improvement in the campus.


[Figure 3.3-3]

3.3-4 Using weeders, weeds are excellent fresh manure and can be fermented as fertilizer and will add nutrients to the soil as well. When it is used in the fermentation process, methane gas that occurs can be used as a suitable alternative energy for cooking.


[Figure 3.3-4]

3.3-5 Composted cow manure fertilizer from two hundred cows raised on the university farm farms are collected daily at about 2,400 kilograms per day. In one month, we get about 72,000 kilograms of fresh manure or about 864,000 kilograms of fresh manure in one year. Compost made from livestock manure can produce fertilizer pellets. It can also be sold to other interested parties.


[Figure 3.3-5] Compost fertilizer production process from cow manure

3.3-6. The Production of liquid fertilizer from pig manure, the production of pig manure through the process and technology into high efficiency manure fertilizer to increase crop yields can add value to pig manure. The production of liquid fertilizer from pig manure per year amount 7 tons of dry pig manure can be processed into concentrated pig manure 12,000 liters (liquid fertilizer) sold to the community. When applied to the spray must be diluted before. If used in rice fields, 1.5 liters per rai / crop (8,000 rai). If used with cassava, 3.5 liters / rai / crop (3,400 rai). It definitely can reduce the use of chemical fertilizer.


[Figure 3.3-6] Soaking pig manure in water for 24 hours. After that, remove the waste from the fermentation tank.


Pig manure liquid fertilizer Pig manure after soaking It is processed into pellet / EM ball.

[Figure 3.3-6] Pig manure liquid fertilizer and pig manure waste after soaking.


[Figure 3.3-6] The pig manure liquid fertilizer turns into the product and distribute to the community and the province as well as providing for the community service projects to serve and make people smile

3.3-7 Kasetsart University has a large area of rice fields for research. The university buy rice paddy from the farmers before threshing, cleaning and packaging into the bag. Kasetsart University is also being the distribution center for the consumers to buy varieties of quality rice from the farmers directly. So the university has a rice mill under supervision. In the process, the paddy produces the residue, such as husk, straw, etc. The discarded portion represents 30 percent of the total grain process. The use of non-reusable parts especially the fertilizer is used again for testing rice cultivation.


There are various method for garbage disposal. Each method has different advantages and disadvantages. Factors of choosing how to disposes waste are nature of waste, quantity, tool, area of waste dumping, collaboration of student and staff, and benefit from disposal. Many kinds of waste are dumped daily. Ratio of each kind of waste are different. There are many activities occurring at the campuses. As a result, inorganic waste cumulates from these activities. Kasetsart University is concerned about Inorganic waste management. Therefore, the university has a plan to eliminate inorganic waste in various sectors to reduce the amount of inorganic waste to be landfilled.

3.4-1 The university repaired old trucks and reuse as water trucks. This saves money for new trucks purchasing.


[Figure 3.4-1] Reuse of fixed old trucks

3.4-2 Upcycling is a project on developed products from leftover materials. The project encourages and supports recycling of waste, to develop as a substitute, and create new products. This reduces the amount of waste that must be sent to landfill or burn. It also promotes creative design and innovation from leftover resources. Creative products from scrap materials are sold under green product label. It is generally used to describe products that incorporate environmental responsibility into the product from very start. The design process requires least energy and yields maximum products and minimum residue or waste from production. Besides, this process is safe for health and environment.


[Figure 3.4-2] Scrap Shop of the Faculty of Architecture sells products made from recycle waste.


[Figure 3.4-2] Products made from industrial wastes.

3.4-3 Recycle waste materials using as a garden decoration in special events such as Kaset Fair (annual agricultural fair) and retirement ceremony.


[Figure 3.4-3]

3.4-4 Inorganic wastes which cannot recycle will be brought to sanitary landfills.


[Figure 3.4-4] Waste seperation and sanitational disposal

3.4-5 Degenerated wheels and broken cement were used for vegetable and ornamental plants gardening.


       Kasetsart University is aware of the problem of toxic waste management. If the management is not proper, it is discarded with general waste, and toxic substances from hazardous waste will contaminate soil and groundwater. Causing impact on public health and environment. Therefore, the University has promoted a campaign to sort waste, and create different media for everyone to understand the benefits of waste separation. Creating an understanding for students and personnel about the collection of toxic waste, classification of toxic waste and chemicals waste, collect and store waste, including treatment and disposal. The latest issue on particulate matter of 2.5 microns and less in diameter (PM2.5), from late 2018 to the beginning of the year 2019, Dust pollution surge covers Bangkok which is poisonous dust or particles in the air, because that particles are smaller than 2.5 micrometers, and effecting on health of students and personnel of Kasetsart University as well. Therefore, Kasetsart University uses 3R tools to manage waste, namely: Reuse, Recovery, Recycle of waste 

– Reuse is the recycling of waste materials without any changes or actions, except cleaning and maintenance for the same purpose 

– Recovery is separation and collection of materials that can be reused from waste materials, minerals, energy or water, through processing and / or extraction. In which the acquired items are not needed for the original purpose 

– Recycle is recycling of materials, in which the physical properties change but with the same chemical composition by going through various processes. 

[Figure 3.5.1]

[Figure 3.5.2]

Waste disposal in science laboratories

[Figure 3.5.3]

[Figure 3.5.4]

Public Service

       While the dust exceeding the standard values in Bangkok and vicinity, Kasetsart University received “Meteorological Station near the surface and air pollution” (KU TOWER) from the Director of the Institute of Water Resources Information (Public Organization). This is a research station for meteorological measurement near the surface and air quality. This research station occurred due to Kasetsart University signed a memorandum of cooperation for the technology development project for surveying, analyzing and processing data for water and climate management. Under the support of research funds from the Water Resources Information Institute (Public organization). The project is a collaboration between the Office of the Permanent Secretary for Science and Technology, Kasetsart University, King Mongkut’s University of Technology, and Thonburi Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi on 18 June 2012. Kasetsart University is responsible for developing air monitoring systems. Including meteorological features near the surface atmospheric pollution. The Faculty of Environment of Kasetsart University is responsible for establishing a research station for surface meteorological measurement and air quality, which is a 117 meters tower, continuously 24 hours at an elevation of 10, 30, 50, 75 and 110 meters for meteorological measurements. This research station is responsible for data analysis and online processing and will be a database for meteorological forecasting, in order to mitigate the effects of the said situation. 

       During the Kaset Fair in 2019, Kasetsart University implemented the security system to set up the traffic system within the university, for visitor of Kaset Fair to commute without interruption and flexibility. They can park on the university’s parking buildings, and then get on the electric vehicle service (free of charge). Besides, the University provided misty electric fan to create a water curtain to spraying water, in order to relief heat around the Fair. Using a high-pressure spraying truck to water the plants around the campus every morning, afternoon, and evening. In addition, requesting support from Bangkok Metropolitan Administrator (BMA) to organize a drone to help spray water around the university. Kasetsart University also has an online air pollution report system on campus each day, by linking to the website of the university and the website https://airq.ku.ac.th, the information is updated hourly at the beginning of the hour. The system automatically refreshes every 5 minutes.

[Figure 3.5.5] KU Tower

[Figure 3.5.6] Dust management PM 2.5

[Figure 3.5.7] Air dust condition report system Within Kasetsart University online


       Student and personnel of Kasetsart University can separate toxic waste from solid waste, knowing the correct type of toxic waste, and knowing the correct storage methods which will reduce the amount of waste. Some types of waste can be recycled before dispose. Stop to think about whether we can reduce the amount of waste and recycle waste. The idea are as follows: 

1. Avoiding items or packaging that will create waste, including pollution to the environment such as foam boxes or other toxic waste. 

2. Choosing to use refill products that use less packaging, less waste as well 

3. Using of products that can be returned packaging to manufacturer, such as various beverage bottles 

4. Repair of appliances so that it can be used further, and not to become rubbish 

5. Recycling of used packaging such as cloth bags instead of plastic bags 

6. The separation of waste that is still available for easy storage and processing, such as plastics, glass, cans, and beverages 

7. Reducing consumption and finding ways to increase the efficiency use of various appliances. 


       Kasetsart University considered an opportunity to develop more efficient and effective toxic waste management system in the future, also receiving cooperation from all sectors. There can be waste management by type of waste and harmless. In order to, restrain hazardous waste to negatively affect people and environment. This is consciousness and responsibility of the proper waste disposal and proper disposal of hazardous waste. 


Talks on the topic “Finding the Truth of Forest Fire and PM2.5” 

Objectives: To summarize the suggestions and environmental policy issues related to the forest fire and smog problems, the problem of PM2.5 in Thailand, and the issues on the public perception and preparedness for establishing preventive measures of both short- and long- term in order to further deliver to the government and relevant agencies. 

Targets: Members of the Council of Engineers, government and private agencies, universities, and the general public 

Outputs: Planning to establish a clear administration system, to manage the problems with the right solutions, and to build up collaboration among sectors for the sustainable prevention and mitigation of forest fire and PM2.5 problems. 

Academic Talk on “Lessons Learned from the Problem on PM 2.5 in Thailand” 

Objectives: To share any information on the current situation, impacts, and management of PM 2.5 problem in the areas of Kasetsart University, including Bangkok Metropolitan Region and the northern part of Thailand, to propose suggestions for preventing and managing the PM 2.5 problem in the future, which are useful for government, private and public sectors to apply those in dealing with such problem. 

Targets: Academicians and relevant institutions 

Outputs: Knowing the guidelines for the prevention and mitigation of PM2.5 in the future. 

Remark : All activities in 3.5 refer to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), otherwise known as the global goals, especially relating to Goal 11 : Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste management. Another important target is Goal 12 : Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning, Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning.

       Kasetsart University recognizes the importance of waste water management and improvement of water quality by nuturing treatment process and recycling. in order to reduce water using in departments and public sector. Including reducing contamination of waste water before releasing outside Therefore, various types of wastewater treatment systems have been established in the area of the university and surrounding areas as follows: 

Artificial pond

[Figure 3.6.1] Artificial pond

Agricultural Innovations

       Artificial pond is waste – water teatment system. At present, It is an innovation to treat wastewater that has got a lot of attention. Since it is quite effective in treating organic substances, Nitrogen phosphorus, and suspensions, including heavy metals. It needs low cost of construction. The method of constructing an artificial pond can be done by digging nature like water paths. Allowing the water to flow parallel to the ground when releasing waste water into the circulatory system of the pond. Some organic matter will precipitate to the bottom of the swamp and will be decomposed. The substance in the water will be trapped by water plants that grow along both sides of the pond. At the same time, there will be oxygen added to the water. Which comes from aquatic plants such as the duckweed, etc. The water that is drained through the artificial pond will be filtered out various suspensions and can be further used. This type of water treatment process is considered a natural process, combined with growing wetland plants, this can make it look like a wetland. The invention of the wetland is an important innovation in the promotion and conservation of the environment. Including biodiversity of areas as well. 

Social Engagements

       Construction of an artificial pond in Kasetsart University area received cooperation with government agencies in the area and nearby communities. At the University, village representatives organized activities for field study to learn about building artificial wetland. That makes the most effective to be used in residential and communities. And for waste water treatment. This can decrease waste water in the neighborhoods and increasing the amount of water that can be recycled. 

Public Service

       Kasetsart University has set a team of experts to give the advice to people who are interested in building artificial pond in the household area. In addition, the University opens widely for a study visit in the large artificial pond that was built in Kasetsart University. Including propagating of wetland plants which planted around some artificial ponds and distributed to those who are interested to use with artificial ponds in other areas. The important impact from the building of artificial ponds is that the community can reduce the problem of waste water flowing to the external area. Including an area that treats wastewater that is sustainable and can be used for a long time.

Aerated Lagoon (AL)

[Figure 3.6.2] Aerated Lagoon (AL)

Agricultural Innovation

        Aerated lagoon, waste-water treatment system, is an innovation that relies on the addition of oxygen from the aerator, to increase the amount of oxygen in the water, so that microbes can be used to decompose organic matter in the waste water faster. than allowing to decompose naturally. This kind of waste-water treatment system can treat quickly and efficiently. The principles of microbial work underlying the condition that there is oxygen from the aerator supporting the operation. which aside from adding oxygen to the water, also causes the mixing of the water in the well. and the decomposition of organic matter thoroughly within the treatment pond, this resulting in better quality wastewater. 

Social Engagements

       A waste-water treatment plant surrounding an aerated lagoon is cultivated where needed within Kasetsart University. Through the cooperation of experts from the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Environment to take care of repairing and keep going in preservation of various systems. And the system related to treatment, including use using as a study area for students to further learning the development of effective systems. 

Public Service

        Aerated lagoon effectively enhances the water quality. which can be more useful within Kasetsart University. There is a large aeration tank which delivers water that is passed through the treatment to the nearby community. for using in agricultural areas. Regarded as helping the community to prevent water shortage and make good use of water. 

Grease trap from waste water

[Figure 3.6.3] Grease trap from waste water

Public Service

        Waste water from buildings discharged into the water source without first treatment will affect the overall water quality. and deteriorated natural water quality will be occurred. Therefore, Kasetsart University has a measure to prevent waste water from buildings or various areas within the university by installing a grease trap to treat waste water. which is a simple and appropriate technology considered to help reducing the severity of water pollution in another way. The grease trap will help from washing dishes and cooking utensils, not to flow together with the waste water. This method solved the problem of waste water that may affect the surrounding areas. 

Agricultural Innovations

       The working of grease trap occurs from washing container or doing various activities. Removing of floating fat on top layer of water surface will allow more oxygen in the water by using sieve that traps fat on top of the tank. After that, the trap will let the remaining water flow into the sewer. This can help to reduce the clogged-water pipe problem from fat. In addition, waste water discharged through the sewer is easier to treat for further using. 

Social Engagements

        In the surrounding area of cafeteria on campus or the faculty’s building that has operation regarding cooking or cleaning utensils. There is a strict cooperation to install a grease trap. Including checking the installation of the grease tank correctly to be able to use with the most efficiency. Including a providing advice team regarding how to maintain sustenance and to prevent problems. further knowledge about the use of trapped fats to make fertilizer for plants as well. 

The wastewater collection area in various areas for use in studies.

[Figure 3.6.4] The wastewater collection area in various areas for use in studies.

Social Engagements

        Students and trainee who participated in the waste-water treatment training were supported skills of sampling techniques in various areas of Kasetsart University. Such activities can use the results of the waste water quality analysis as a guideline for maximize efficiency of waste-water management. which also increase good awareness in preserving the environment in another way. 

Public Service

        There is a monitoring of nearby areas at Kasetsart University that are likely to be waste-water sources. which make the possibility to link between the waterways within and outside the university. in order to acknowledge the problem. Also taking the research results obtained from collecting waste water samples in different areas for testing, in order to know the problems and forecast the potential impact. Including the study of areas that cause waste water clogging etc. 

Reservoir for treatment and reuse

[Figure 3.6.5] Reservoir for treatment and reuse

Public Service

        Waste water from daily use has been transfered to hold in a large waste-water airy pond with an area of 16 rai. The objective is to let the water dry in the natural sunlight, which planted eucalyptus trees surrounding area , to help for odor treatment. When the water reaches the proper conditions, the water will be pumped from the treatment pond. When the water is in standard quality that can be used in daily life, then the water will be pumped up for use using again. such as watering plants, using in toilets, including for agricultural areas. 

Agricultural Innovations

       When the waste water has been used in daily life and then hold in the treatment pond, Kasetsart University has planted eucalyptus trees around the pond, for odor treatment. According to the properties of the eucalyptus tree that has the ability to treat the smell, and able to repel insects.. The eucalyptus trees can also store large amounts of water at the roots. and moisten the surroungding area. The strong roots also protect topsoil around the ponds. 

Social Engagements 

       The size of the treated water pond with an area of over 16 rai covers the connected areas of various departments within the university. In each department has utilized all of this treated water. Therefore, the process of maintenance, including the invention to develop water treatment systems. The University received cooperation from all departments in the area. There are activities organized together to campaign for maintenance, check and analyze the surrounding conditions that affect wastewater treatment. in order to achieve the most effective treatment procedures continuously. 

Results Various system of waste water management within Kasetsart University lead to the reuse of treated water in larger quantities, to replace tap water consumption. Reducing of overall water resources usage which has good results, concurance with the water conservation policy of Kasetsart University. The waste water from daily life in Kasetsart University will have better quality. which can be used for a variety of activities. Including reducing problems caused by flooding that can be controlled. Also consistency of the amount of water in the area due to the reuse of water. As a result, the cost of purchasing tap water within the department tends to decrease steadily and helps reduce water shortages that may occur. 


        Kasetsart University has a plan to build more waste-water treatment area. Due to the current activities that cause the amount of water, that is discharged through the sewer in greater amount. The University has a policy to build more waste-water treatment points in each department to cover all areas. As well as monitoring the results of the treated wastewater including water quality data after treatment. in order to be used for further development of waste-water systems. As well as, increasing research on benefit of waste-water treatment such as waste from treatment ponds which can be further used to make fertilizer for trees and Biogas production, etc. 


       Nowadays, there are many methods of waste-water treatment which are invented and developed by new technology, combined with the current environmental conservation trend that is important around the world. It can be driven to develop researching work, equipment, or concepts related to waste-water treatment systems in Kasetsart University in term of biology, such as the use of wastewater treatment plants that are popular in the community. Which aside from being a low-cost method, plants that qualify for wastewater treatment process can also be used for other benefit. and also the extension of production to be biogas as well. 

Remark : All activities in 3.6 refer to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), otherwise known as the global goals, especially relating to Goal 6 : Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally, substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity.