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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

All Water is Not Created Equal


By Ivy Ciolli

As we embark on the New Year, we watch our resolutions flow like the tide. We soar on the surf of our new self, but there are times where we are tugged and pulled by the riptide of life. Our personal ocean can have unexpected undertows and sudden crashing waves, but somehow the tide always pulls back and balances out again.

Considering almost three-quarters of our body is made of water, we should pay attention to the water we allow to enter our life force. 

I am what you would consider a water snob. I prefer to go water-less than drink a bottle of purified water. Needless to say, I never leave the house without my natural spring water. What kind of water do I prefer? If I had it on tap, my water would clearly come from the secret sacred Harding Spring mountain water in Sedona off the 89A. Just pay attention to the line of cars on the side of the road hauling their BPA-free water jugs to this free wild water resource. People travel from all over the world to bottle this sacred water that shoots from the spout of a stone structure.

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Why water is important

According to www.conscioussedona.com

, “Next to air, water is the second most important element for human life. Without access to water, most of us would perish after three days. The adult human body, on average, is made of 60% water. About 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. Not to mention all the other living beings and plant life that hold water on our planet. As the late Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto published in his seminal book The Hidden Messages in Water, water is a potent carrier of information, a conductor of energy and vibration, a vehicle for planetary evolution.

“Because our thoughts and intentions can affect the crystalline structure of water—and therefore, ourselves and all other beings and the world—it is critical we choose our thoughts and intentions wisely. And it is equally important that we source the cleanest, purest, most naturally structured water from our environment.” 

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I think it’s safe to say, water and beings are synonymous! 

Sedona Natural Spring

As cited in the article Drinking Water Sources on Conscious Sedona, “Sedona Natural Artesian Spring Water flows from a protected spring in Oak Creek Canyon, Sedona, Arizona. Its origin dates back to the early 1800s. The pure water that formed the spring was generated from rain and snowfall in the mountainous areas far north hundreds of years ago. It takes anywhere from 800 to 1400 years to have the water from the precipitation to begin flowing as artesian springs. All of the area north of the spring is non-farm land and very mountainous, which produces a bountiful supply of clean, non-polluted, natural artesian spring water. 

“The Oak Creek Canyon Natural Artesian Spring was the water source for Native Americans who lived in Oak Creek Canyon for many years. They used the spring water for irrigation and drinking water. It was once rumored that Living Springs, where the spring flows, was a mystic healing ground of the Native Americans.”

Water cleansing

Back to our water ratio, have you ever considered a water cleanse? This is on my list for New Year’s resolutions to rebalance my vessel. There are so many benefits to water cleanses, such as curing diseases, detoxing, and mental clarity. I recommend “surfing” the internet to see how much it could benefit your livelihood. Stay tuned for next month’s article…

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We are all wading through the currents of life, but remember, water is the foundation of our vitality, so make your water source a priority this year and for all years to come. Happy New Year and happy new YOU!

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Ivy Ciolli is a native of Arizona born with the innate desire to protect Mother
Earth. She is a wife, as well as the proud mother of Cole and Brooklyn. Her
days are filled with volunteering at her children’s school, and philanthropic
work involving abused and neglected children and animals.


  1. Has anyone tested this water source for contaminants?
    I normally go every month. This last time I went the water tastes a little different. About to go buy a test kit myself but thought I would research a bit first.

  2. I don’t see the necessity offering your unasked for opinion in such a negative manner. It is clear to myself and I’m certain other readers that the lady sharing her experiences with obtaining, using, and even praying for the longevity and continued access to the spring water is clearly doing so with positive and grateful actions. I ask all of you to please keep this column a joyful experience. Thank you.

  3. Please share the water, don’t use the jar or gallon take away from others. Please be more respectful! It is not only yours, it is for everyone.

  4. Ivy, I hope you know what is located just north of this spring’s collection center. It’s totally fine that people travel and seek “healing benefits” of natural water. I just think if they actually knew what’s in it, they would be appalled. Still not bad for drinking water in AZ though. Best to all.

  5. I LIVE THIS SPRING! I come every 3 months to fill my 5 gallon containers. I have been coming to Harding Springs for 7 years. Worth the drive!

  6. I’ve done quite a bit of research on this spring. I am excited to drive 2hrs and fill up my jugs. By any chance does anyone know exactly where the water comes from, I’m guessing Utah mountains…

  7. Hello, I’ve heard of this spring and would love to try it. We used to have a spring like this back home in Albania when I was young and I’ve always thought the taste and refreshing water just makes you feel alive. Could you be so kind and let me know where the spring is located? Is there an address to it or a road mark of any kind? Thank you in advance!

  8. I and my husband have been drinking Harding Springs water since moving to AZ in 2018. We drive 2 hrs round trip to fill 5 Gal jugs so that we can use it exclusively for drinking and cooking. Before this we were drinking bottle Geyser or Arrowhead spring water. When I think of the plastic bottles we added to that problem-geez. Aside from helping that issue, we have felt that we have greatly benefited from this water. In the 2 1/2 yrs we have never seen the spring closed due to any water quality issues, nor have we ever experienced a adverse reaction to consuming it. This is the freshest, healthiest tasting, alive water that I have ever drank. I say a prayer for the spring whenever I fill my hugs. I am so thankful to have a source of water like this. I am sometimes afraid to mention it to people due to knowing too many people knowing about a good free thing like this can ruin it. Sedona city council already is making attempts to lay claims to the water source so that they can “Regulate” it as a municipal resource. Yeah right,!! Thank god this hasn’t happened. Enjoy this miraculously healthy pure spring mineral water while you can! Plus thank Mother Earth for her gift when you do!!

    • You think of the plastic waste that you are saving yet drive 2 hours to source your water and in doing so contribute to the production greenhouse gas emissions. It would be more responsible and financially sound to source your water at a local water store.

    • Does this water make you detox at all its making my mouth & throat dry and slight headache and does it have fluoride at all??


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