Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Thank you Board, Committee and Commission Citizen Members

The Town Board makes annual appointments and re-appointments of Greenville citizens to our existing committees, commissions and boards.  The Town would like to thank each of these individuals and current members of these groups for the great work they do to help us achieve our mission.  Your willingness to volunteer your time, experience and expertise to serve the community is greatly appreciated.

The Town currently has a total of eight (8) committees, commissions and boards (not including the Town Board).  Beginning every April, the Town Board is required to appoint new members or re-appoint existing members whose terms have expired.  Each of these volunteer bodies serve a specific purpose, several of which meet State Statute requirements.   A staff representative is also assigned to assist each body with meeting its purpose.

Do you have a talent to share or an interest in serving your community?
Residents interested in being considered for a future appointment should complete the Volunteer Application Form available on the Town's website.  The form can be downloaded at the following url:

County CB & Atlantis Drive Roundabout

Outagamie County Highway Department is planning to construct a multi-lane roundabout at CTH CB and Atlantis Drive, just north of the airport entrance.
Construction is scheduled to start as early as July 29, 2019 after EAA AirVenture and is expected to be completed in about 11 weeks.

The detour will be County CA, I-41, HWY 96.

For more information and project updates, visit the County's webpage at:

Door-to-Door Solicitation Requires a Permit

Did you know the Greenville Municipal Code Chapter 101 requires transient merchants to have a license to solicit sales within the Town of Greenville.  Furthermore, no person shall solicit contributions or request anything of value for a purported charitable organization except as set forth in the Municipal Code.  For more details, you can view the chapter via the following link:

Any person desiring to solicit sales or solicit contributions shall apply to the Town Clerk and complete an application/license form provided by the Town Clerk. The form shall include information pertaining to:
  1. The name, address, and identity of the person(s) who will be soliciting;
  2. The name, address and identity of the person or organization on whose behalf such solicitations will be made;
  3. The nature of things intended to be sold or the purpose of the contributions solicited;
  4. The identification and registration of any vehicles to be used; and
  5. The length of time of the solicitation.
If a license is granted, the licensee is further regulated to the following rules and conditions:
  • No person shall solicit sales or solicit contributions between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m.
  • No person shall misrepresent the purpose of the solicitation, the principal employer or organization on whose behalf the solicitations are made or the disposition of the proceeds of any sale or contribution.
  • No transient merchant soliciting sales shall enter upon any premises for the purpose of soliciting sales on any residential property posted with an appropriate sign in a conspicuous place stating "No Peddlers" or "No Soliciting" or words to that effect.
  • No transient merchant shall falsely or fraudulently misrepresent the quantity, character or quality of any article offered for sale; offer for sale any unwholesome or tainted food; misrepresent the purpose of his or her principal or employer; the source of supply; or the disposition of the profits of his or her sales. 
If a door-to-door solicitor arrives at your door, they should:
  1. After initial greeting, shall disclose his or her name, the name of the business or organization he or she is affiliated with and the identity of the goods and services offered.
  2. Any person soliciting sales or soliciting contributions who takes an order for later delivery or accepts or receives payment or deposit of money in advance of delivery shall provide the buyer with a written statement containing the terms of the agreement, the amount paid in advance, the person's name, address and telephone number and the delivery or performance date. 

Any person who fails to obtain a permit as required by this chapter prior to soliciting sales or contributions, or otherwise violates any provision contained herein, shall be subject to a forfeiture of not less than $50 nor more than $500, together with costs of prosecution, including reasonable attorneys' fees. Each day that such violation continues shall be considered a separate offense.

If anyone is soliciting in your neighborhood without a proper permit or is violating the requirements of Town Code, please contact the Town Clerk's office at (920) 757-5151 or contact the Outagamie County Sheriff's Department non-emergency number at (920) 832-5000 to notify the Greenville Deputy.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Weekly Testing of Outdoor Warning System to Resume

The audible testing of the outdoor warning sirens will resume at noon on Saturday, March 30th.   It is requested that media partners share this message with the public in an effort to prevent unnecessary 911 phone calls.

Please remember the sirens are for outdoor warning only.  If you are waiting for the sirens to take action you are waiting too long.  No single piece of public warning technology is capable of alerting all people at all times.  Having a variety of warning tools provides redundancy and resilience.  Outagamie County Emergency Management recommends each residence have a NOAA weather radio which will alert you when severe weather is approaching.  For more information on the NOAA weather radio and how to get one, contact the Outagamie County Emergency Management office at 920-832-5148.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Employment Opportunities with the Town of Greenville

Our employees serve an important role in the everyday functions of the community. The links below provide further information about employment and/or volunteer opportunities with the Town of Greenville:
Current Employment Opportunities:
Fire & EMS Parks, Recreation and Forestry
Sanitary District #1
For more information, visit our website at:

Enhanced Law Enforcement Services

The Town of Greenville contracts with the Outagamie County Sheriff's Department for enhanced law enforcement services for the Town. Deputy Garret Richards is devoted to serving Greenville by providing directed law enforcement to the community.  The squad car used by Deputy Richards will be marked for the Town of Greenville.

If you would like to speak directly to Deputy Richards (non-emergency) please call the Outagamie County Sheriff's Department dispatch non-emergency number at (920) 832-5000 and ask to speak with the Greenville Deputy.  FOR ALL EMERGENCIES DIAL 911.

General inquiries can also be sent via email to [email protected].  To submit an anonymous and confidential tip about any gang or narcotics activity call (920) 832-5629.

Outagamie County Sheriff's deputies are devoted to serving the Town of Greenville and welcome citizen input on law enforcement issues and concerns in the Town.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Severe Weather - Be Prepared!

Spring is right around the corner and with that comes the increase threat of severe weather.  Public safety officials are alerting citizens to be prepared and vigilant for severe weather, including tornadoes. Understanding risk is an important part of tornado safety. Fortunately, most tornado warnings turn out to be just severe thunderstorms. But tornadoes form with little or no warning and their paths are completely unpredictable. They can also be transparent until they touch down. As a result of the severity of risk related to severe weather, everyone should take immediate action when a tornado warning is issued.

When a tornado warning is issued: Head for cover! Now! Don't wait for it to get bad, just go now. How long do you wait after reaching a shelter? The National Weather Service will specify how long the alert is in effect. Stay in your safe location until the alert expires. Tornadoes often form on the tail end of thunderstorms. So, it's important to stay in a safe location until the threat is completely past.

Tornado Warnings and Watches
A note about a tornado warning versus tornado watch: A watch means there may be possible tornado activity and you should be on alert for a tornado warning. A warning means that an actual tornado has been detected.

NOAA Weather Radio and Sirens
The most important thing you can do to prepare for tornado safety is get a NOAA Weather Radio. Get one that automatically alerts you of dangerous weather. Make sure you get a SAME capable radio so you don't get desensitized to alerts that don't pertain to you. Remember that Sirens are designed to alert persons outside. You may not hear them well inside your home.

Tornado Safety Cell Phone Alerts
Outagamie County Emergency Management provides a service called AtHoc to have emergency alerts sent directly to your cellular phone.  The following link will allow you to register for this service:     Please include your address and contact information to receive public safety alert messages. These messages could include emergency evacuation notices, public safety/life safety notifications, hazardous chemical emergencies that are occurring within your neighborhood. You may also select to receive any weather alerts issued by the National Weather Service through this system. 

You can also sign up for alerts on your cell phone from various weather sites. One site that provides this service is Check the "Severe Weather Alerts" option. After you finish creating the alert click "edit settings" and select the "severe only" option. This will filter out the non-life threatening alerts.

More Information

For more information on tornado safety, visit the Federal Emergency Management Administration website at:

Monday, March 18, 2019

Assessment Information 2019

To maintain fair and equitable assessments, the Town of Greenville has implemented a Full-Value Assessment process, meaning all assessments will be brought to market value each year. This ensures all property owners are paying their appropriate share of property taxes.

The assessment value is just one of many variables used to determine property tax rates. A change in your property’s assessed value does not necessarily indicate an increase or decrease in the amount of property taxes you will pay.  However, it does reflect the most recent market value of your property and helps to ensure all property owners are paying their appropriate share of taxes to support local school, technical college, county and municipal government services in our community.

If You Have Questions Regarding Your Property Assessment
ccurate Appraisal, LLC, the town’s assessment contractor, will conduct Open Book sessions to assist the taxpayers in understanding their assessments.  Open Book sessions will be held at the Town Hall and are scheduled for the following dates and times:
  • April 1, 2019 12:00 PM to 3:15 PM & 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM
  • April 2, 2019 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM.
Online appointment scheduling is available.  If you wish to meet with one of the appraisers, please log on to and click the online APPOINTMENTS link on top of the screen, then choose your location (Greenville), choose your Open Book date and time, then enter your personal information.  If you do not have Internet access, please call Accurate Appraisal at 1-800-770-3927 to schedule an appointment.  If you cannot make the arranged appointment times and you wish to discuss your assessment with us, you can call our office or e-mail us at [email protected].  

For additional assessment information please visit the Website;

New Town Blog & E-News Publications.

The Town is happy to announce our new Blog. Town staff will provide information, updates and emergency notifications on this blog. In addition to blogging, the Town has an established Twitter account ( and a Facebook page ( These resources will be used to continuously provide communication between Town staff and residents and save printing and mailing costs.

From this blog, the Town will also be producing regular email newsletters to interested parties.  To subscribe to our e-news, click here:

I hope that our blog and e-newsletters will be useful to you.


Joel Gregozeski, IMCA-CM
Town Administrator

2019 Town of Greenville Curbside Pickup Calendar

Garbage and recycling carts need to be out no later than 5:00AM the day of collection. Drivers will not go back to collect if this deadline is missed. Lids on all carts need to be closed with cart handle facing the house.

New home constructions will need to call the Public Works Department (920) 757-7276 to have garbage and recycling services set up.

If you have extra garbage bags that do not fit in your garbage cart, there are $1 overflow sticker you can purchase at the Public Works Office (M-Th: 7am-4:30pm & Fri 8am-12pm).  After certain holidays, two overflow bags will be allowed without stickers. 

To download the 2019 trash and recycling calendar:

  • Recycling is every other week on the same day as your garbage collection.
  • Containers need to be out on opposite sides of the driveway by 5am on the morning of collection.
  • Brush pickup will continue throughout the week until complete.
If you have concerns regarding pickup, please contact the private contractors at:

Harter's Fox Valley Disposal
Inland Service Corporation

Dog License Renewal

The Town is reminding residents that the owner of a dog more than five (5) months old is required to obtain an annual dog license.

Annual dog licenses are sold at the Town Hall and are valid thru December 31st of each calendar year. Applicants must bring in a current rabies vaccination certificate from a veterinarian in order to be issued a license. In addition, to be eligible for the spayed/neutered rate, you must provide documentation of the procedure from your veterinarian.

The annual license fees are as follows:

Spayed or Neutered - $8.00

Not Spayed or Not Neutered - $15.00

LATE PENALTY REMINDER: Licenses issued after March 31, 2018 will pay an additional $25.00 (per dog) late penalty per Wisconsin State Statutes.