This last year has been a challenge for anyone working the world of communications. Thank you for the way you serve and champion other ministries. Thank you for starting chain reactions of hope.
What does it sound like to pray for the peace, the welfare, the blessed wholeness, of the city where you’re currently living? Here are 5 guided prayers to help get you started.
This is our prayer—both close to home and far away—that we begin to live out what Jesus longed for on the night of his betrayal. When we vow to work together as one the words of John 17 become an [...]
Water is a nonnegotiable. Without it, disease ravages through a village. Women and young girls endanger themselves to journey to unsafe and exposed sources for even unclean water. Children [...]
A few years back I was asked, along with some other authors, to express my thanks to the inestimable Eugene Peterson. Today as I reflect on his life, I am once again reminded of the legacy Eugene [...]
To assume you can only focus on the goal in front of you without ever paying mind to all that’s happening around you is not only foolish but also dangerous. And that brings us to the topic of culture.